
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Constitution of India

Role Of Judicial Activism In Constitutional Provision Under Environmental Law In India

ABSTRACT A Healthy environment is necessary for dignified life but the environmental pollution is a big and sensitive issue all over the world whether it is developed or developing country. In India, many laws inaugurated time to time but the judiciary plays an important role in the development of new laws and expansion of articles …

Role Of Judicial Activism In Constitutional Provision Under Environmental Law In India Read More »

Finding The End Of Freedom Of Press In 21st Century In India

Introduction The Constitution of India is the paramount document reflecting the high spirits of the nation which forms the law of land. The fundamental rights are its essence and one of the fundamental rights securing the sanctity of democracy and relevance of public opinion is of utmost significance to this document i.e. freedom of speech …

Finding The End Of Freedom Of Press In 21st Century In India Read More »

Analyzing The Lgbt+ Verdict: A Dream Still Unrealised

INTRODUCTION On September 6, 2018, India’s Supreme Court ruled that consensual homosexual acts would no longer constitute a crime.[i] This landmark judgment brought about a wave of change for the LGBTQ+ community in India. The groundwork for better protection has been laid and the Government’s stance on the rights of the LGBTQ+ community has also evolved …

Analyzing The Lgbt+ Verdict: A Dream Still Unrealised Read More »

The Aadhar Case: K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India

What is Aadhar? Aadhar is India’s National Identity project for which a new agency known as the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) was formulated. In an Aadhar, the biometric data such as fingerprints scan, eye-retina scan, a facial scan of Indian residents is collected, recorded, and stored. The residents are then issued a twelve …

The Aadhar Case: K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India Read More »

The Wrap And Woof Of Religious Liberty In India: Sabarimala Case

INTRODUCTION India is a country where there are many religions. India is a secular country. By secular it implies that there must be no preference doctrine. It means that there are no privileges which shall be granted to any one specific religion. The secular state includes the principle that the function of the state must …

The Wrap And Woof Of Religious Liberty In India: Sabarimala Case Read More »

Revisiting Abortion Laws In India With Comparison To Roe V Wade

The Act governing abortion laws in India is the 1971 enactment of Medical Termination of Pregnancy which prescribes a particular period in which to terminate the foetus, outside of which period it shall be a punishable offence. While ‘abortion’ has been a debated topic of discussion throughout the world, in India it is still considered …

Revisiting Abortion Laws In India With Comparison To Roe V Wade Read More »

Exploring the Need to Talk on Fundamental Duties as we talk on Fundamental Rights

Relation between Right and Duty The popular jurisprudence behind the relation of right and duty provides that the two components are inseparable. The Constitution of India follows this principle and thereby fundamental rights and fundamental duties are provided in Part III (Article 12 to Article 35) and Part IV A (Article 51 A) of the …

Exploring the Need to Talk on Fundamental Duties as we talk on Fundamental Rights Read More »