VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2, 2024
Academicians, Students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D., and Educators.
Any topic related to law.
1. The manuscript shall be original work and unpublished.
2. The manuscript should be in MS Word format.
3. The body of the manuscript shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 Line Spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.
4. A uniform style of citation must be strictly adhered to while submitting the paper.
5. Co-Authorship is permitted to a maximum of three authors.
6. Copyright over the published shall vest with IJALR.
7. Full Names of all the author(s) must be given.
• Short Articles: (1500-2500 words, including footnotes)
• Long Articles: (2500-4000 words, including footnotes)
• Book Reviews: (1500-3500 words, including footnotes)
• Case Comments: (1200-3000 words, including footnotes)
Note: Abstract should be up to 300 words only.
All the submission submitted for the publication to IJALR must be plagiarism free. We may use any software to find out the plagiarism. But it is the duty of the contributors to assure the originality before the submission. [Note: IJALR shall not be liable for any plagiarism or copyright issue]
1. IJALR is inviting blog submissions from people from any background to publish their views on any topic related to political, social, legal and economic in nature.
2. Submissions which are of contemporary in nature will be given preference.
3. IJALR Blog accepts the original work of the author and is not published anywhere.
4. The Editorial Board will accept blogs within word limit of 1000-1500.
5. The authors may use any uniform mode of citation.
6. The text of the submission should be in Times New Roman and the size of font is 12 with line spacing of 1.5. In case, endnotes are there in the submission, the same shall be in Times New Roman, font size 10 and line spacing of 1.0. Use of footnotes is not permissible.
7. The submission has to be mailed at The submission must be made in a word file only (.doc or .docx format). The authors are required to send a short bio separately with the submission.
8. The Editorial Board of IJALR Blog reserves the right to accept and reject the submissions at any stage of review. The Editorial Board will take around 7 days to complete the review process from the date of receipt of the article. The Editorial Board will also give a short note to the submissions in the case, the submission gets rejected.