
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 3: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: November 2021

An Overview of Cross Border Inolvency in India

Introduction The economies of nations are linking and being integrated into a global economy as a result of increasing globalisation. Globalization has made it easier to perform cross-border economic operations, resulting in an increase in international trade. This has opened doors for investors all over the world, and many new investment routes and possibilities have …

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Artificial Intelligence as an inventor: Global and Indian Perspective

Artificial intelligence has taken the frontseat of human lives, by upgrading itself from an assistance tool to a weapon to manipulate and control human and biological evolution. Artificial intelligence has become the underlying system of the giants in technology and information security. The corporates create the products with AI as their underlying technology for a …

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National Monetisation Pipeline: Framework, Instruments & Infrastructure Financing

Infrastructure is the core of any development in any nation or economy. Investment in top-notch quality of infrastructure aids in increased employment, access to markets and materials, improved quality of life, and empowerment of vulnerable sections. Capital and asset recycling are one of the prerequisites of investment-led growth, and a key to value creation in …

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