
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: January 2021

Does Reservations Remove Discrimination Or Increase It?

INTRODUCTION  Social equality, justice, and opportunity are important aspects that need to be promoted in any country or state. For its citizens to be happy, all these qualities should be met. A reservation system was meant to promote equitable access to very few and scarce resource in employment and education. However, educational resources and employment …

Does Reservations Remove Discrimination Or Increase It? Read More »

Euthanasia: Is It Against The Social Ethics?

INTRODUCTION The term Euthanasia comes from two Ancient Greek words: ‘Eu’ means ‘Good’, and ‘thantos’ means ‘death’, so Euthanasia means good death. It is an act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or in an incurable condition by injection or by suspending extraordinary medical treatment in order …

Euthanasia: Is It Against The Social Ethics? Read More »

The Restitution Of Conjugal Rights:A Hallway To Marital Restoration Or A Pathway For Divorce?

INTRODUCTION Restitution is an act of restoring something back to its original position or state while conjugal rights are those rights of sexual intercourse between spouses inside the wedlock of marriage. Restitution of conjugal rights, therefore, refers to the restoration of the rights governing the sexual relations of a husband and wife. The main idea …

The Restitution Of Conjugal Rights:A Hallway To Marital Restoration Or A Pathway For Divorce? Read More »

Commissioner of Income Tax office v M/S Madurai mills Co. Limited 9 March 1973 AIR 1357

Parties to the case: Petitioner: Commissioner of Income Tax, Madras Vs. Respondent: M/S Madurai Mills Co. Limited  Bench: Khanna, Hans Raj  Voluntary Liquidation: When a company decides to voluntarily dissolve itself the proper consultation of the shareholders. The dissolution of the company is not ordered by the court. Distribution of assets of the company: When …

Commissioner of Income Tax office v M/S Madurai mills Co. Limited 9 March 1973 AIR 1357 Read More »

Right to Protest: A Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India, 1949

Questions on the Right to Protest The first question which comes into the picture when the topic ‘Right to Protest’ is introduced is- Do the protestors face the risk of legal action and police action? The second question is to find out that in case the protestors face any kind of legal or police action …

Right to Protest: A Fundamental Right under the Constitution of India, 1949 Read More »

Building Career In Law

Introduction A promising career with myriad opportunities is offered while pursuing law. Due to globalization in the legal sector, a law degree equips for almost any profession in which intellectual strength combined with a practical approach to the world is required.  The private sector have now also opened its doors for law professionals to work …

Building Career In Law Read More »