
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: December 2020

Free Speech Vs Hate Speech: The Subtle Contrariety

INTRODUCTION Freedom of speech, often classified as a First generation right, is one of the most cherished constitutional rights in liberal democracies. Free speech,being the foundation stone to liberal values, has been ingrained in most of the contemporary constitutions as well as in International Human Rights Treaties.  “If freedom of speech is taken away, then …

Free Speech Vs Hate Speech: The Subtle Contrariety Read More »

Live in relation between consenting adults is an offence?

Introduction The legal definition of live in relationship is “an arrangement of living under which the unmarried couples live together to conduct a long-going relationship similarly as in marriage.”[1] As law is very dynamic in nature they have to frame themselves or make laws according to the need of the society.  Nowadays people are gradually …

Live in relation between consenting adults is an offence? Read More »


Introduction The transfer of ownership, property or business from the public sector to the private sector is termed privatization. The government halts to be the owner of the business. The process during which all the rights of a public enterprise or business are taken over by a private enterprise (sector) can also be termed as …


Contempt Of Court And Freedom Of Speech: Light On The Recent Judgements By The Supreme Court.

What does contempt mean? It’s the “disregard for something that should be considered”, so ‘contempt’ is a word for any harsh, strong disrespectful act against anybody. Legally, the word contempt is used as an offence of being “disrespectful of a court of law and its officers”; it is termed as ‘contempt of court’. Looking at …

Contempt Of Court And Freedom Of Speech: Light On The Recent Judgements By The Supreme Court. Read More »