
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



Introduction The transfer of ownership, property or business from the public sector to the private sector is termed privatization. The government halts to be the owner of the business. The process during which all the rights of a public enterprise or business are taken over by a private enterprise (sector) can also be termed as …


Data Privacy in India: In Light of The EU – USA Privacy Shield Invalidation

INTRODUCTION In our day to day life, we find ourselves among various situations where we have to share some data or information that are many times private. After the expansion of technologies and easy availability of the facility of Internet, this personal information is just one click away from being shared with the rest of …

Data Privacy in India: In Light of The EU – USA Privacy Shield Invalidation Read More »

Analysis of The Judgement Given By The Allahabad High Court Regarding Religious Conversion

Introduction Recently, the Allahabad High Court said in a case that conversion of religion for the sake of marriage is termed as null or void. As in general if we talks about Every person has right to convert the religion but not without faith. However, Anti- Conversion law support the voluntary conversion but it forbids …

Analysis of The Judgement Given By The Allahabad High Court Regarding Religious Conversion Read More »

Delineating The Scope Of Comparative Advertising In The Interest Of Healthy Competition- The Germ Protection Battle

Introduction  In today’s free market, where customers have a wide variety of goods and services to choose from, many brands resort to multiple tactics to try and grab the public’s attention. Advertising plays a very crucial role in this equation. They are powerful tools, as a good advertisement can not only sway a potential customer, …

Delineating The Scope Of Comparative Advertising In The Interest Of Healthy Competition- The Germ Protection Battle Read More »

Mainstream Controversy with the New-Enablement feature: Scrutiny of 35 U.S.C § 101 and Case laws

Breakdown of Statutory Patentability Requirements: 35 U.S.C § 101:- Getting a patent is not a cup of tea, it requires immense effort and investment. The invention must go through stringent examination and tests to demonstrate its originality and usefulness. In each variant of Intellectual Property Rights, whenever a creator is on a mission to invent …

Mainstream Controversy with the New-Enablement feature: Scrutiny of 35 U.S.C § 101 and Case laws Read More »