
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: March 2021

“Programming” the Copyright Law: How Google v. Oracle Will Change the Way We Look at Software Copyrightability

Abstract  Also called the “copyright battle of the century”, Oracle v. Google has gone on for 10 years. Now that Google has approached the Supreme Court of the US for a decision, the battle will potentially end in June 2021. In 2010, Oracle sued Google for using 37 of its Java APIs, consisting of about …

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Corporate Social Responsibility: A mandatory liability for Indian companies or a long-term asset?

Introduction Corporate social responsibility in wider terms means the responsibility of the companies to compensate society, what they have taken from them.[1]According to it, a company should also look after social and environmental consequences besides the financial incentive. CSR helps in providing stability between all the three imperatives i.e. economic, environmental, and social.[2] CSR has …

Corporate Social Responsibility: A mandatory liability for Indian companies or a long-term asset? Read More »

SPAC: The IFSCA – SEBI Proposal

Introduction On 11th March 2021, two government regulators – Capital and domestic market regulator and watchdog SEBI, and the counterpart for Fintech hub GIFT City of Gujarat, the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) are on the board in order to facilitate the launching of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) in India. Wall Street’s hottest …

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Analysis On “Kinds Of Private Companies” Under Companies Act, 2013

INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE COMPANIES Trade and business development have contributed to many challenges that have not been addressed by traditional business methods. For example, the limitless obligation aspect of a business form of “sole proprietorship led to people forming partnerships, but even that proved to be too insufficient and dangerous. This is when the concept …

Analysis On “Kinds Of Private Companies” Under Companies Act, 2013 Read More »

Blockchain and IPR | Disruption & Amelioration

 Introduction The global cash equity market traded volume is around $ 77.55 trillion. Despite its significant volume and high traction in the cash equity market, the industry agonizes with many anomalies – mainly in the pre/post settlements areas. The Straight-through processing is getting failed due to various reasons which are:1. Missing settlement instructions2. Incorrect trade …

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From Vaccine Nationalism to international equal access to it: A legal Perspective

Introduction While the entire world is crippling down by the global Covid-19 pandemic for the past 9 to 10 months now, the completion of the final stages of several different vaccines produced by companies all around the world, despite geographical boundaries, had been a major breather for all of us. But that takes us to …

From Vaccine Nationalism to international equal access to it: A legal Perspective Read More »