
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: December 2020

Data Privacy in India: In Light of The EU – USA Privacy Shield Invalidation

INTRODUCTION In our day to day life, we find ourselves among various situations where we have to share some data or information that are many times private. After the expansion of technologies and easy availability of the facility of Internet, this personal information is just one click away from being shared with the rest of …

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The Ambit of Healthcare And Legal Services Under The Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

Introduction In order to protect the interests of the consumers, the Indian Parliament enacted the Consumer Protection Laws. The Consumer Protection Act received assent from the President on 9th August, 2019. This 2019 Act repeals and replaces the hitherto applicable, Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Section 1(4) of the 2019 Act provides that “Save as otherwise …

The Ambit of Healthcare And Legal Services Under The Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Read More »

Succession Rights of Children Born Out of Live-in Relationship

Indian society has travelled far enough in these decades when it comes to viewing the concept of live-in relationship. It has been defined as “a domestic cohabitation between an adult unmarried male and an adult unmarried female.” The mindset and the social stigma attached to a live-in relationship is gradually changing. It is evolving with …

Succession Rights of Children Born Out of Live-in Relationship Read More »

Analysis of The Judgement Given By The Allahabad High Court Regarding Religious Conversion

Introduction Recently, the Allahabad High Court said in a case that conversion of religion for the sake of marriage is termed as null or void. As in general if we talks about Every person has right to convert the religion but not without faith. However, Anti- Conversion law support the voluntary conversion but it forbids …

Analysis of The Judgement Given By The Allahabad High Court Regarding Religious Conversion Read More »

Intellectual Property – A Way to Protect The ‘Expressions of Folklore’

Introduction Susan Scafidi in her book, “Who owns Culture?’, while trying to establish the relationship between traditional cultural expressions and intellectual property draws an analogy. The world was remarkably compared to a stage by Shakespeare, who went on to equate the inhabitants to players. In her book, Scafidi states that if Shakespeare had been a …

Intellectual Property – A Way to Protect The ‘Expressions of Folklore’ Read More »