
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]


Cryptocurrency Bill 2021: A bad omen or a blessing in disguise for Indian investors?

Introduction According to various conceptions and contemplations, the new Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021 which is proposed in the parliament, would ban the supply of private digital currencies throughout the country. If this happens and the government strictly stops any future exchange of cryptocurrency then around 7 million investors would be …

Cryptocurrency Bill 2021: A bad omen or a blessing in disguise for Indian investors? Read More »

Corporate Social Responsibility: A mandatory liability for Indian companies or a long-term asset?

Introduction Corporate social responsibility in wider terms means the responsibility of the companies to compensate society, what they have taken from them.[1]According to it, a company should also look after social and environmental consequences besides the financial incentive. CSR helps in providing stability between all the three imperatives i.e. economic, environmental, and social.[2] CSR has …

Corporate Social Responsibility: A mandatory liability for Indian companies or a long-term asset? Read More »

From Vaccine Nationalism to international equal access to it: A legal Perspective

Introduction While the entire world is crippling down by the global Covid-19 pandemic for the past 9 to 10 months now, the completion of the final stages of several different vaccines produced by companies all around the world, despite geographical boundaries, had been a major breather for all of us. But that takes us to …

From Vaccine Nationalism to international equal access to it: A legal Perspective Read More »

Protest in Russia: from Lenin-Stalin’s violence to Tolstoy- Gandhi’s Non-violence.

Introduction Ramifications of the authoritarian ruler Putin’s policies can be seen in the form of non-violent protest on the streets of Russia. During the time of the Tsars, Russia has seen lots of violence and protest in order to overthrow the monarchy, seeing the current situation, it seems that history is repeating itself but in …

Protest in Russia: from Lenin-Stalin’s violence to Tolstoy- Gandhi’s Non-violence. Read More »

The Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020

 INTRODUCTION Since time immemorial, the harmony between market dynamics and consumer interests has always been a thin rope to tread on for governments across jurisdictions. Markets have been inclined toward profit margins with scant interests to consumers. With the new avenues of conducting business opening up such as e-commerce platforms, the gap is only widening. …

The Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 Read More »

Censorship of OTT platforms and its various aspects

Introduction to censorship Supervising and prohibiting the information ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. It refers to the examination of books, play, films, television live-streaming apps at other communication media for the purpose to cut or remove some parts which are thought to be objectionable or offensives.           …

Censorship of OTT platforms and its various aspects Read More »

Difference between a Suit for Eviction and a Suit for Ejectment

Introduction In the last few years, disputes related to property, land, and rent-related to those respective properties have increased progressively. It is a general estimated statistics report which states that approximately 7.7 million population in India is stuck in a conflict situation over 2.5 million hectares of land area. Such situations of conflict are affecting …

Difference between a Suit for Eviction and a Suit for Ejectment Read More »