
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Case Analysis

Tukaram & Anr. V. State of Maharashtra: Case Analysis

Introduction The case named Tukaram & Anr. v State of Maharashtra[1]was a landmark case as far as rape and its laws are concerned. The incident took place in 1972, Chandrapur district of Maharashtra which shook the nation. The decision was given by the Supreme Court was something that caused outrage within the nation. Several protests …

Tukaram & Anr. V. State of Maharashtra: Case Analysis Read More »

Novva Ads vs. Secretary, Department of Municipal Administration and Water Supply and Another: Case Analysis

  Facts In this case, the constitutionality of Sections 326-A to 326-J of the Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act, 1919 (4 of 1919) and the Chennai City Municipal Corporation (Licensing of Hoardings and Collection of Advertisement Tax) Rules, 2003 (in short “Advertisement Rules”) were challenged in the High Court via writ petitions.  The writ petitions …

Novva Ads vs. Secretary, Department of Municipal Administration and Water Supply and Another: Case Analysis Read More »

CASE COMMENT ON “NOVVA ADS V. Deptt. Of Municipal Administration and Water Supply (2008) 8 SCC 42”

  INTRODUCTION: In these, the Chennai City Municipal Act, 1919 challenges the section 326A to 326J1in writ petitions. In these sections it cover ups about the definition of Hoardings whether it is for public or private or for any advertisement and not for any sale purpose or for any other purpose. These sections also includes …

CASE COMMENT ON “NOVVA ADS V. Deptt. Of Municipal Administration and Water Supply (2008) 8 SCC 42” Read More »

Analysis Of Standard Pharmaceuticals Ltd V/S Gyan Chand Jain And Anr. Citation: 97(2002)DLT290; 2002(62)DRJ733; 2002RLR317

Abstract The below case is a detailed analysis of whether or not the word rent includes just the rent of the land or building or the amenities attached with it also the accessories attached to it. ”building’, means a residential or non-residential roofed structure and includes: (i) any lead (including any garden), garages and outhouses, …

Analysis Of Standard Pharmaceuticals Ltd V/S Gyan Chand Jain And Anr. Citation: 97(2002)DLT290; 2002(62)DRJ733; 2002RLR317 Read More »

Commissioner of Income Tax office v M/S Madurai mills Co. Limited 9 March 1973 AIR 1357

Parties to the case: Petitioner: Commissioner of Income Tax, Madras Vs. Respondent: M/S Madurai Mills Co. Limited  Bench: Khanna, Hans Raj  Voluntary Liquidation: When a company decides to voluntarily dissolve itself the proper consultation of the shareholders. The dissolution of the company is not ordered by the court. Distribution of assets of the company: When …

Commissioner of Income Tax office v M/S Madurai mills Co. Limited 9 March 1973 AIR 1357 Read More »