
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: November 2020

Delineating The Scope Of Comparative Advertising In The Interest Of Healthy Competition- The Germ Protection Battle

Introduction  In today’s free market, where customers have a wide variety of goods and services to choose from, many brands resort to multiple tactics to try and grab the public’s attention. Advertising plays a very crucial role in this equation. They are powerful tools, as a good advertisement can not only sway a potential customer, …

Delineating The Scope Of Comparative Advertising In The Interest Of Healthy Competition- The Germ Protection Battle Read More »

India’s Biggest Retail War: Amazon vs. Reliance

Introduction Reliance has established itself as the most premium brand in almost all the sectors it has entered to date. Reliance enjoys great profits from telecom, petroleum, and recently from the retail industry. Moreover, in the past passing months, a great number of investors such as Google, Facebook, and Silverlake who have deep pockets have …

India’s Biggest Retail War: Amazon vs. Reliance Read More »

Mainstream Controversy with the New-Enablement feature: Scrutiny of 35 U.S.C § 101 and Case laws

Breakdown of Statutory Patentability Requirements: 35 U.S.C § 101:- Getting a patent is not a cup of tea, it requires immense effort and investment. The invention must go through stringent examination and tests to demonstrate its originality and usefulness. In each variant of Intellectual Property Rights, whenever a creator is on a mission to invent …

Mainstream Controversy with the New-Enablement feature: Scrutiny of 35 U.S.C § 101 and Case laws Read More »

Analysis Of The Industrial Relations Code, 2020

INTRODUCTION In June 2002, the Second National Commission on Labour submitted its report wherein the Commission recommended that the existing labour codes should be widely consolidated into following groups:- (i) Wages; (ii) Industrial relations; (iii) Social security; (iv) Welfare & working conditions. On perusal of the recommendations of the said Commission concerning industrial relations & …

Analysis Of The Industrial Relations Code, 2020 Read More »

An Utopian Dream Of A Nculear Weapon Free World

Introduction In about couple of months after 75 years of Nuclear attacks on Japan and foundation of the United Nations, the first-ever Treaty prohibiting Nuclear weapon (TPNW) shall come into force as the 50th ratification for the 2017 treaty came in this October. Nuclear Disarmament is not an alien concept to the International law regime, …

An Utopian Dream Of A Nculear Weapon Free World Read More »

Role Of Judicial Activism In Constitutional Provision Under Environmental Law In India

ABSTRACT A Healthy environment is necessary for dignified life but the environmental pollution is a big and sensitive issue all over the world whether it is developed or developing country. In India, many laws inaugurated time to time but the judiciary plays an important role in the development of new laws and expansion of articles …

Role Of Judicial Activism In Constitutional Provision Under Environmental Law In India Read More »