
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]


Analysis Of The Industrial Relations Code, 2020

INTRODUCTION In June 2002, the Second National Commission on Labour submitted its report wherein the Commission recommended that the existing labour codes should be widely consolidated into following groups:- (i) Wages; (ii) Industrial relations; (iii) Social security; (iv) Welfare & working conditions. On perusal of the recommendations of the said Commission concerning industrial relations & …

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An Utopian Dream Of A Nculear Weapon Free World

Introduction In about couple of months after 75 years of Nuclear attacks on Japan and foundation of the United Nations, the first-ever Treaty prohibiting Nuclear weapon (TPNW) shall come into force as the 50th ratification for the 2017 treaty came in this October. Nuclear Disarmament is not an alien concept to the International law regime, …

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Changing trends of Global Diplomacy- an Indian perspective

Introduction: Diplomacy to me is aimed at having an idealistic relationship between countries that interact with each other on wear and tear course, it is something which is in correspondence with the traditional and UN methods. For any country’s diplomatic relations, the following points play a major role: History; Geography;  Capability; Leadership; and  Identity. History: …

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Admissibility And Evidentiary Value Of Dying Declaration In India

Introduction The foundational stone which forms the rationale behind the admissibility of dying declaration is the legal maxim; nemo moriturus proesumitur mentri. The said maxim is as philosophical and riveting as a line from Shakespeare’s drama.  “Where words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain; they breathe the truth, that breathes their words in …

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Indian Prisoners During Covid-19: Call For Legal Attention

INTRODUCTION: December 2019 was the onset of the infamous Covid-19 in Wuhan, China, which the WHO declared a Pandemic on March 3rd, 2020.[1] The WHO defines it as an infectious disease caused by the newly discovered Coronavirus, spreading primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose of an infected person, thereby causing respiratory …

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From Being The Custodian To Captive Of Fundamental Rights: Judiciary’s Stance On Netflix’s Bad Boy Billionaires Case

INTRODUCTION- An investigative docuseries of Netflix named ‘Bad boy billionaires-India’ featuring the infamous tycoons lives involving fraud and deceit that made their names and brought them down was released on 5th October. It previously got strangled in different lawsuits filed at local city courts in Andhra Pradesh by Raju Ramalingam, ex-CEO of Satyam computer services …

From Being The Custodian To Captive Of Fundamental Rights: Judiciary’s Stance On Netflix’s Bad Boy Billionaires Case Read More »