
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Author name: Ijalr

Recognition of LGBT Community- A social Stigma India Needs to Relinquish

Introduction LGBT is an acronym used for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. There exist deep-embedded homophobic and transphobic attitudes combined together with a lack of adequate legal protection against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, expose LGBT people of all ages and in all regions of the world to egregious violations of …

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Voluntary v. Mandatory Corporate Governance: A Path Paved Towards Optimal Regulatory Framework

Corporate Governance and Its Importance A total mix of a system of rules, policies, practices, and processes that direct and control a business’s behaviour is what we call Corporate Governance. It includes the framework that establishes a relationship between shareholders, management, the Board of Directors, and other important stakeholders[1].  Good corporate governance promotes a culture …

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Blockchain And Cryptocurrency – The Future Of Data Protection

INTRODUCTION Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency are the future of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and provide a greater security for data protection and financial transfers. This is so, because under Blockchain a ledger is created and data is continuously being added to the ledger which is in the form of blocks and therefore hacking such …

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Legal Obligation and Social Norms

Introduction Legal philosophy today is dominated, for better or worse by legal positivism —the view that the only necessary factor in determining whether something counts as law is recognition by social sources. A distinction is often drawn in this context between inclusive and exclusive legal positivist theories. Inclusive legal positivism holds that social sources are …

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Right to The Internet As A Fundamental Right

Meaning of the Term ‘Internet’ The term ‘Internet’ refers to any set of computer networks that communicate using the Internet Protocol. It is the specific internet consisting of a global network of computers that communicate using Internet Protocol and that use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to identify the best paths to route those communications. It …

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An Analysis of Extrajudicial Killings in India

INTRODUCTION: There is a well known maxim known as ‘Audi Alteram Partem’. The meaning of this maxim is, ‘Hear the other party’. Unfortunately, this principle has nearly been forgotten in India. There are a lot of incidences of encounter killings by the police in the country recently. The families fear that if their beloved is …

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