
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: September 2020

Constitutionality Of Administrative Tribunals In India

Administrative Tribunals Administrative Tribunals have been known to provide effective and timely justice. The judicial functions have been delegated to tribunals under different acts and statutes in India such as Article 323-A and 323-B (Part XIV-A) of the Indian Constitution as well as the Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985.It is due to this ability that the benches …

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Intellectual Property Related To Folklore, Folk-tale And Folksongs

Introduction Traditional knowledge is a living body of knowledge which is passed on from generation to generation within the community. It is basically about people’s cultural and spiritual identity. It is often oral and has ancient roots. In the recent years, indigenous peoples, local communities and the government mainly in developing country have demanded protection …

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Legal personality of shrines and rivers: analyzing it’s scope in Indian scenario

Introduction  For decades, temple idols have been given the status of juristic persons. And they have exercised their rights to fight legal battles through the trustees or managing board in charge of the temple in which they are worshiped. In our Indian culture rivers are considered as goddess and worshipped by Hindus. All the Hindus …

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Working Of Cyber Police And Bank Tackling Online Financial Fraud: Personal View

Introduction  The growth and increase in information technology and telecommunication there has been an increase in illegal activities in the reel world which has indirectly affected the real world, having connection with cyberspace, proxy server, hijacking mails and fake websites are being used as a gateway or tool for fraud and virtual crime or cyber …

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