
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: August 2020

Freedom of Press and The Law of Sedition – A Critical Analysis

  Introduction: “The press is the only tocsin of a nation. When it is silenced…all means of a general effect are taken away.” -Thomas Jefferson The Indian Press is a vigorous instrument of political education and is recognized as the fourth pillar of the Democracy. However, the condition of Indian press is far from ideal. …

Freedom of Press and The Law of Sedition – A Critical Analysis Read More »

Why citizens must question the UAPA Act: With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility?

  Introduction  When too much power is vested in the hands of the government, there is a possibility of misuse of such power. A democracy functions efficiently only when the people of the country keep the government in check. When laws are made which take away such power from the people, they also take away …

Why citizens must question the UAPA Act: With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility? Read More »

Agricultural Property Rights (A Comparative Study Between The State of Rajasthan And Himachal Pradesh

vLEGISLATIVE COMPETENCE – Transfer of property other than agricultural land is a subject specified in the concurrent list. The Constitution of India under its seventh schedule, by virtue of entry 6 (Transfer of property other than agricultural land; registration of deeds and documents.) of list III, empowers both states as well as the Parliament to …

Agricultural Property Rights (A Comparative Study Between The State of Rajasthan And Himachal Pradesh Read More »