
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

KANOONSANGRAH Webinar on ‘ Study at University abroad’


KanoonSangrah is an endeavor by a group of passionate young Law Students working to improve the Legal fabric of India. KanoonSangrah works to provide Legal News and Legal Awareness to every individual. KanoonSangrah aims to provide a platform to those with blue-sky perspectives about law. The platform holds the vision to provide access to Legal information in one click.
KanoonSangrah is pleased to announce the webinar on ‘Study at University Abroad’ . Anyone who is interested can fill the Google form and attend the webinar on the given date. Our esteemed speaker shall enlighten our audience with important information regarding the topics- How can we get admission ‘Abroad’? also about the challenges and what are the different exams we need to prepare for and what are the scholarship processes and how does the government schemes help? 
The main speaker at the webinar – Mr. Arvind Kumar He is a PH.D Scholar at the department of Politics and IR, School of Law and Social Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London.
We at KanoonSangrah are accepting forms filled by all who want an insight into this topic. 
Important Dates: 
Last Date to Register – 19.12.2020 
Webinar date – 20.12.2020 at 6pm sharp. 
Application Procedure 
Registration through Google form. Please find attached below link for the Competition 
Rules For the Competition 
1. Please join the webinar on time. 
2. Kindly maintain the decorum of the webinar. 
For more details Visit our website. https://kanoonsangrah.com/ 
Contact Details For any queries, please either mail us at coordinator.kanoonsangrah@gmail.com or contact us on following numbers 
Manish Tiwari – +91 63069 32476 ( Only WhatsApp) 
Anushka Teresa – 8210372151

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