
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]


Refugee Law

WHO IS REFUGEE? Is every person living in a foreign country be termed that or is a person who with the fear of persecution or war has been forced to leave their own country? Well the legal definition of the term refugee has been mentioned in the UN Convention, 1951 on the status of refugees. …

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Conflicts Over Pm-cares Fund: Supreme Court’s Decision

Introduction The outbreak of COVID-19 in India and the rapidly increasing number of cases, has forced the Health Care System in India to learn rapid lessons on telemedicine, protecting staff, and improving infrastructure to ensure COVID-19 treatment to all.  On an average in the treatment of a COVID patient without any life-saving equipment the expenditure …

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Artificial Intelligence

An Overview Towards It’s Legal Perspective In Our Country Introduction A promising focus to be called off by the word “Artificial Intelligence” which brings about country’s provincial sway to execute cognitive tasks like perceiving, philosophy & education, problem solving and decision making which has evolved in ways that for exceed of its original conception as …

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Why citizens must question the UAPA Act: With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility?

  Introduction  When too much power is vested in the hands of the government, there is a possibility of misuse of such power. A democracy functions efficiently only when the people of the country keep the government in check. When laws are made which take away such power from the people, they also take away …

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Agricultural Property Rights (A Comparative Study Between The State of Rajasthan And Himachal Pradesh

vLEGISLATIVE COMPETENCE – Transfer of property other than agricultural land is a subject specified in the concurrent list. The Constitution of India under its seventh schedule, by virtue of entry 6 (Transfer of property other than agricultural land; registration of deeds and documents.) of list III, empowers both states as well as the Parliament to …

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