
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 3: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Online Piracy and Copyright Infringement: Issues and Challenges



The unauthorized replication of a computer programme, known as software piracy, poses a serious threat to the computer industry. In recent years, progress has been achieved in reducing programme robbery. Regardless, computer software is extremely vulnerable to robbery, and software vendors all over the world lost an incredible $50 billion to robbery last year.This paper outlines research that will provide insight into the state of mind and deliberate software robbery. The purpose of the investigation is to see if awareness of piracy laws is a precursor to demeanors and soft lifting intentions. This considers assurances to make a number of important commitments.Even if no formal copyright take note is attached, nearly all forms of unique expression that are settled in a substantial medium are subject to copyright protection. Composed content (including e-mails, news articles, and web pages), recorded sound, computerized images, and computer programmes are only a few examples of copyrighted works.Unless something else indicated by contract, the boss by and large holds the copyright for work done by an worker within the course of business. The aim of this paper is to bring you the reality of the online world.


With the advent of innovation, a new type of burglary has begun to make its way through the legal globe. Robbery over the internet is a significant threat to the online world. The problem is especially prevalent in India, especially when it comes to robbery in the film business. Because India produces over 1000 films every year, incidences of internet robbery are on the rise.Individuals who are not truly mindful are committing wrongdoing when they infringe on people’s copyrights online. Copyright is a type of intellectual property protection that allows the original creator of the material (movies, music) to demand payment. These creators are also given control over how widely their product is distributed. Piracy essentially happens when personal duplicates, disperses or offers a cloth while not the categorical authorization of the maker of that item. Such conveyance and deals on-line will result in an amazing misfortune of financial gain and will be tough for the initial manufacturers to travel through. The problem is all the additional increased since many people square measure either unwilling or unable to pay the right whole of money for it. Robbery may be a frame of online copyright encroachment, wherein diversions, motion pictures, program, etc. are sold and conveyed without the information or consent of the first maker.

There are basically 5 sorts of online robbery:

·         Counterfeiting: Forging alludes to the illicit deal or dissemination of copies of unique copyrighted materials.

·         Internet Piracy: Internet robbery alludes to the unlawful download/upload of motion pictures, program, and diversions for gratis. More often than not, there ought to be a lawful buy made to utilize copyrighted fabric. Be that as it may, in case of web robbery, software and other copyrighted materials are made accessible for complimentary download.

·         End-User Piracy: End-user piracy alludes to the unlawful replicating, propagation, and utilization of copyrighted materials without appropriate authorization.

·         Client-Server Abuse: Client-server abuse alludes to the shape of robbery where a central program is being utilized by as well numerous individuals at the same time, without any permit.

·         Hard-Disk Stacking: Difficult disk loading refers to unlawful stacking of copyrighted program on the difficult disks of unused computers. This is often as a rule done to boost up deals.

Why is Internet piracy such a danger?

Internet piracy has ended up a tremendous copyright issue, within the past few long time. The unhindered growth of innovation together with the increment in cybercrimes has made internet robbery issues very common in today’s day and age. Here are a number of reasons why web robbery is getting to be such a gigantic issue[1]

·         Simple and wide dissemination utilizing the internet

·         No limits as to the number of individuals that a fabric can be conveyed to

·         Difficult to recognize between the initial and the fake copies Hardly any taken a toll related with the illicit distributing

·         Easy to get to copyrighted fabric without the danger of being dashed down.


In India, the Copyright Act 1957 aboard the knowledge Technology Act, 2000 discount with many options of theft. In any case, of late, there has been AN increasing need for additional items of enactment which will supply help United States of America once and for all influence the difficulty of Internet piracy. With progressively innovative progressions, the necessity for authorization of solid copyright laws to discount with complicated internet theft cases has gotten to be elementary.

The most enactment for the reassurance of expertise from copyright problems is that the Copyright act of 1957. In any case, the measures against on-line copyright encroachment weren’t comestible. During this manner, the copyright act was corrected in 2012 to bring to a lower place its umbrella the various shapes of a web theft that takes place. Section 65a of the new copyright (alteration) act, 2012 secures the proprietors of proprietary materials just in case of a breach. space65a states that “any individual WHO circumvents a fortunate innovative degree connected to secure any of the rights given by this Act, to encroach such rights, ought to be blameful with detainment which can amplify to an extended time and will furthermore be in danger to fine.” Such discipline is absolute to forestall many cyber criminals from utilizing or abusing the proprietary data. This section is inexplicit for “protection of innovative measures” and is essential to envision digital piracy. Section 65 B of the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012 gives “Protection of Rights Administration Information”. The segment states that “any individual, who intentionally- (1) evacuates or modifies any rights administration data without specialist, or (2) distributes, imports for distribution broadcasts or communicates to the open, without specialist, duplicates of any work, or execution knowing that electronic rights administration data has been evacuated or changed without specialist should be culpable with detainment which may expand to two a long time and should moreover be obligated to fine.” Usually fundamental to ensure unauthorized get to and abuse of delicate information.

Another piece of enactment that bargains with computerized robbery is the Information Technology Act, 2000. Section 66 of the Information Technology Act gives for discipline with up to 3 a long time of detainment and fines up to Rs 2 lakhs for unlawful online dissemination of copyrighted substance.

A or maybe new degree that the Indian courts have taken to diminish the cases of computerized robbery in India is the “john doe” order”. John Doe orders require exceptionally small data almost the blamed and his personality is obscure at the time of recording of the request. All the above-mentioned pieces of enactment in conjunction with these modern John Doe orders offer assistance square potential threats sometime recently the discharge of modern motion pictures and oversee the whole computerized robbery situation in India. Be that as it may, a few distinctive viewpoints of advanced robbery are still not managed with, by Indian enactment. There are a few issues and challenges with respect to online robbery in India that still require a part of work.[2]



Since the net is associate intangible area, assurance of ward will be difficult. at intervals the case of on-line copyright encroachment, varied countries or districts will be enclosed. The question at that time emerges on that compass would be pertinent. it should be set supported the start of the matter. It would too be set supported the place of capability, or so at intervals the place wherever the material is finally utilized or shown. It’s not essential that what constitutes illicit copyright encroachment in one country, would be unlawful copyright encroachment in another nation yet. A number of the time numerous nations will so have incompatible laws. This makes it hard to rebuff associate person. There is too the problem of deciding whether or not or not such encroachment has taken place. With the increasing quality of the net, it gets to be exceptionally hard to make your mind up whether or not or not associate person is capable for any encroachment. once the muse of associate encroachment case, the reassurance of what ward is to be connected is enclosed inconvenience. The problem gets to be all the additional hard to kind once there square measure incompatible laws utterly totally different nations with relevance the matter. And eventually, the necessity for risk yet as higher prices makes it or even hard to rebuff a private. Hence, it’s important to possess clear cut rules virtually the reassurance of scene once it involves on-line copyright encroachment. It’s in addition hard to make your mind up the work’s delay the foundation.



Beneath conventional copyright laws, particularly the act of 1957, there’s a qualification given between the propagation of specific substance in open and private spaces. This qualification permits an individual to duplicate duplicates of copyrighted substance within the open space, with earlier authorization from the creator of the unique maker. Be that as it may, the internet makes such qualification troublesome. Since one individual can exchange fabric with a few individuals through the web, the copyright laws with respect to open and private spaces have gotten to be troublesome.[3]




The correct generation can be an incredible issue on the online. Dispersion of any material over the online needs the material to be reproduced. Data through the web is changed using a method whereby there is a breakdown inside the total information into very little packets. These very little parcels area unit at that time reconstituted to form the whole matter. This procedure is named “packet switching”. Bundle Exchanging afterwards implies that there is a generation at every organization of transmission of knowledge through a pc. This makes it hard to own a transparent cut thought of virtually the precise rights of propagation and may be abused in cases of breach.[4]



The major issue with respects to copyright encroachment over the online may be a risk. To implement any form of discipline against a reason, it’s imperative to make a decision wherever exactly the danger lies. Be that because it could, in one issue associated with copyright encroachment over the online, many people will be enclosed. Knowledge may bear many layers and many distinctive computers generally recently being transmitted into the open area. Many people may perhaps be concerned in such encroachments. Terribly regularly; these people may be primarily based in utterly distinctive places. For illustration, the address is, in an exceedingly theft case, whether or not the requirement would lie on the party receiving the information, the party that transmits such knowledge or the act that has been enclosed among the handle. Space 79 of the IT Act 2000 middle individuals won’t be in danger for any third-party information”. Be that because it could, it will get to be difficult to make a decision whether or not or not the intermediate is at blame. The area, in spite of the very fact that implicit to safeguard not guilty middle individuals is frequently abused by hoodlums for his or her picks up.


It has gotten to be very clear that there are a few lawful issues with online copyright and robbery laws in India. Since innovation is ever-growing, it gets to be all the more imperative to center on these issues so that guilty parties are not able to elude discipline. Here are many recommendations that can be consolidated to create the internet a more secure put for makers, craftsmen and computer program engineers.

·         Laws in line with International treaties: Since the net may well be a worldwide substance, it’s crucial to require when universal patterns once it involves governance virtually the copyright problems on the web. Hence, Asian country should visit laws that area unit in line with the universal settlements that area unit in drive as of currently. This could not solely supply help to form the laws additional grounded however would furthermore supply help within the development of e-commerce in Asian country. During this manner, Asian country got to grasp several arrangements of settlements like WIPO net arrangements. Online authorizing will be an unprecedented thought to avoid on-line theft and data encroachment. On-line authorizing makes a distinction beat innovation with innovation itself. A good on-line authorizing framework would supply help recapture the knowledge of purchasers as wells diminish the probabilities of falling casualty to on-line piracy.

·         Jurisdictions: It is in addition very important to own a transparent cut thought of just about what locales need to be connected to in cases of on-line theft. There is a part of unclearness round the locus in cases of on-line theft. The IT remains not specific on what exactly would decide the ward in cases like these. It’s thus vital to own clear cut rules with regard to the ward.

·         Harmonization of state laws: Since there are contrasts inside the laws virtually online violation or the ways in varied states, it makes speedy activity exceptionally difficult. It’s later on very important to own uniform harmonization between all the household cyber laws with relevancy online copyright encroachment.

·         Assurance of risk: There are a number of cases wherever it’s hard for the courts to decide on who exactly are indebted just in case of copyright encroachment through the online. it’s later on crucial to possess clear cut rules that superintend obligation in cases wherever various nations are enclosed.


There are a wave of problems with online copyright encroachment laws in India. The challenge is all the additional hard to cut price with since of the speed of development of unused innovation. The legal is taking its time to cut price with such cases and to make tips or so completely different situations among the advanced world which will improve issue like online piracy. India is not unaccustomed on-line theft cases. The foremost later illustration may be of the film ‘Udta Punjab’. The film was spilt online someday recently its discharge date. The bad person was a 25 year ancient from Mumbai and was charged to a lower place the Information Technology Act. Another major case was in Kerala in 2012. during this case, the anti-piracy cell of Kerala finished up following the information science addresses of around a thousand people in Kerala who were enclosed in unlawful uploading and downloading of the film ‘bachelor party. Be that as it may, the government is taking fitting measures to keep this developing threat beneath control. Advanced rights administration arrangements and John Doe orders at the side different unused measures are being taken by the government. Robbery and online copyright encroachment can be reduced with mindfulness, policies and some safeguards. It is additionally vital to be in a match up with the different robbery laws of distinctive nations. The existing Indian legitimate system when it comes to online piracy is without a doubt insufficient. In any case, things appear to be changing for the superior presently. Sufficient mindfulness, at the side a couple of modern approaches to be executed, may offer assistance to the developing threat of online copyright encroachment.


1.      http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/21538/1/JIPR%2018%285%29%20457-464.pdf – Journal of Intellectual Property Rights

2.      https://www.mondaq.com/india/trademark/642974/john-doe-orders-bring-light-in-dark-age-of-digital-piracy – Digital Piracy

3.      https://www.latestlaws.com/articles/online-piracy-and-copyright-infringement-issues-and-challenges-by-princess-kalyani/ – Copyright Infringement

 http://www.ijetsr.com/images/short_pdf/1516243209_644-648-SJ55_PROTECTING_ONLINE_COPYRIGHT_INFRINGEMENTS_THE_EMERGING_LEGAL_ISSUES_AND_CHALLENGES.pdf – Protecting Online Copyright Infringement


[1]Journal of Intellectual Property Rights Vol 18, September 2013, pp 457-464 Piracy in the Internet Age Nikita Hemmige

[2]http://www.mondaq.com/india/x/642974/Trademark/John+Doe+Orders+Bring+Light+In+Dark+Age+Of+Digital+Piracy; last accessed: 28th May, 2021

[3]Subhasis Sah and Sourav Keshri. (2008) “Challenges to Copy Right Work In Cyber Space”, Journal of intellectual property rights Vol.3, Pp 35-42

[4] Dr. G. Mallikarjun International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research ISSN 2394–3386Volume5, Issue1 January 2018

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