
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 3: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Online Lecture Series on Indian Evidence Act: Register By 19th August 2022


It is an International, Quarterly, Peer-Reviewed, an online journal which provides an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law. It is a platform to promote legal research among the law students across India.

What you will learn

1. How did the need for evidence law emerged?

2. Importance of the evidence law

3. Applicability and purpose ( Substantive v. Procedural)

4. Interpretation clause

5. Relevancy, Admissibility and Reliability

6. Cardinal principles of evidence act ( Rule of best evidence, Exclusion of hearsay evidence, Primary over secondary evidence, Documentary over oral evidence, Special powers of the court)

7. Ideal approach for studying this subject

8. Conclusion


Ms. Somya Goel, Assistant Legal Counsel at Tech Mahindra & Ms. Shelly Singh, Lawyer


Method of Learning

This course has Live Sessions.


All the participants will be given an e-certificate after the successful completion of the course.


20th August- 21st August 2022 i.e. 2 Days


This Course is for students & Professionals


1.    Live Sessions

2.    Certificate of Appreciation

3.    Lecture Series of Around 5 Hours.

4.    Access to Internship Directory.


Course Fee

The course fee is Rs. 100/- (Non-Refundable)

Last Date for Registration

August 19, 2022

Mode of Payment

Participants can make payments through the following method.

Google Pay/Phone Pay/ Paytm- 9991140223

UPI- jainaarjav4@oksbi

After the payment, all participants need to upload screenshots of the same while registration.

How to Register

Participants have to pay via the above-mentioned payment method and then register themselves through the registration link given below:


For more queries, you can mail at ijalrcourse@gmail.com 


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