
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Education, Family and Children’s Rights


Education is the act of teaching or training. It is the act or process of acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally preparing one for mature life. However, most people start getting educated at a very tender age. 

Moreover, every country has children’s rights. Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play, and a good standard of living and to be protected from abuse or harm. Children’s rights cover their developmental and age. Every child deserves a family which will watch over him or her and takes good care of.


Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion, and directed research. Proper and good education is important for everyone as it facilitates good learning all through life among people of any age group, caste, creed, religion, and region. It is the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs, and moral habits.

Education is very important for every one of us to improve knowledge, way of living and status. Education plays a very important part in our lives, in order to leave peacefully, everyone should be educated. Most people who commit crimes are people who are not educated who do not have anything to do and end up committing different kinds of crimes. Hence people should be educated at an early age in-order not to go wrong. Most people who know the laws, who are educated do not commit crimes as they have better things or jobs to do. Education changes people’s minds, personalities, and confidence. Education also plays a great role in our career growth as well as personal growth. The way an educated person thinks or acts is different than that of a person who is not educated.
Furthermore, an educated person knows what is right and what is bad, however, it is rare to find an educated person on the wrong side of the law. An educated person becomes a good citizen in society.


Societies with higher rates of degree completion and levels of education tend to be healthier, have higher rates of economic stability, lower crime, and greater equality.

● Poverty Reduction: Lack of access to education is considered the root of poverty. Not getting an education can lead to poverty. However, access to education can mean getting out of that cycle of poverty. 
● Pursuing Your Passion: When you feel passionate about something, you work hard to achieve that. Education gives you the space to do so. You may find new passions or new areas of interest within your field of study. 
● Healthier Lifestyle: People with better education tend to live longer and have healthier lifestyles. Degree holders are also less likely to do bad things that may affect others in society.
●Connecting Across Borders: The new world of digital education is helping those who get an education to connect across the globe with people from other cultures. Students can work together across borders, increasing the cultural awareness and worldliness of the individuals. Nowadays people want to go and work in different countries and that can only happen when one is educated. 
● Sense of Accomplishment: Finishing any degree — whether it is a high school degree or higher education — is an accomplishment. Graduating gives students a huge sense of accomplishment and gives them the confidence needed to go out into the world and make something of themselves.
● Better CommunicationStudents are required to turn in written assignments, work in groups, participate in discussions, or present in front of others. This leads to excellent written communication, speaking skills, and group communication.
●Economic Growth: When an entire society is educated, productivity increases, average income increases, and unemployment decrease. This leads to the economic growth and stability of society as a whole. It all starts with education.
● Societal Benefits: A society that is well educated feels a higher sense of unity and trust within the community. Educated societies lift up the weak and bring a feeling of togetherness among all parts.
● Reduces Crime: Education teaches people the difference between right and wrong and also exposes children and young adults to the experiences of others. Understanding right and wrong and having empathy reduces the tendency to commit crimes. 
•Reduces Child Marriage: Girls with secondary or higher education are three times less likely to marry before the age of 18. Putting education first in society allows girls to be seen as people who can get an education and make their own decisions, rather than just a future wife and mother.
● Reduces Gender-Based Violence: In communities with high rates of education for both genders, gender-based violence is lower. Educated persons are more likely to support gender equality, and are more likely to take efforts to stop and prevent gender-based or domestic violence. Communities that value education for both genders are less likely to have instances of terrorist attacks on girls’ schools.
●Social Experiences: College isn’t all studying. The friends that one makes during college will be the friends you have for life. They can also act as a social net, lifting you up when you are down and encouraging you to do your best in your studies, your profession, and in your life. Learning to live with others and work well with others improves social skills as well.
●Promotes Equality and Empowerment: Education provides everyone with a sense of empowerment, the idea that they have the choice to change their own lives and choose their path. Women with education have better decision-making capabilities and are more likely to take charge of their own lives.


Most children have parents or families who take care of them, watch over them and keep them safe. Every child has a right to education and has a family and good standardS of living. Families should be the ones who make sure that their children have access to a good education. Getting proper education is a birthright for everyone. Every parent tells their kids from childhood about the importance of education in life and all the disadvantages of being uneducated to make their mind towards better study in the future. The only problem can be chidden who don’t have families, parents, or anyone to take care of them. However, there are NGOs who take care of children who don’t have families and provide them with education. Also, there are children’s homes that take care of children without families. Some families are poor and they can’t afford to pay for their children’s education but however, there are NGOs that take care of children who don’t have families and provide them with education. Also, there are children’s homes that take care of children without families. Some families are poor and they can’t afford to pay for their children’s education but however, there are countries that offer free education up to a certain standard. Education is important because other children who do well in their studies are awarded scholarships to study for free and also in other countries. For example, in Zimbabwe, most children who don’t have families end up being street kids and child marriages, or child Labour are promoted by that leading to a cycle of children who are not educated. If a parent is not educated then the children are likely to be uneducated too.


1. THE RIGHT TO AN IDENTITY (ARTICLES 7 AND 8)Children are entitled to a name, legally registered with the government, and a nationality (to belong to a country).
2. THE RIGHT TO HEALTH (ARTICLES 23 AND 24)Medical care, nutrition, protection from harmful habits, and safe working environments are covered under the right to health
3. THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION, (ARTICLE 28)Right to free primary education is important for helping children develop discipline, life skills while finding a safe and healthy environment to nurture a child’s physiological development. This includes freedom from violence, abuse, or neglect.
4. THE RIGHT TO A FAMILY LIFE, If not family members, then children have the right to be looked after by caretakers. Children must live with their parents until they must be able to take care of themselves. Children are regarded as anyone less than 18 years old. Children who do not have access to family life, have a right to special care and must be looked after properly, by people who respect their ethnic group, religion, culture, and language. Refugee children have a right to special protection and help.
5. THE RIGHT TO BE PROTECTED FROM VIOLENCE (ARTICLE 19 AND 34) Protection from violence extends even to family members, and children must not suffer ill-treatment or sexual or physical violence. This includes the use of violence as a means of discipline. All forms of sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable.
6 THE RIGHT TO AN OPINION (ARTICLE 12 AND 13)All children deserve the right to voice their opinions, free of criticism or contempt.
7. THE RIGHT TO BE PROTECTED FROM ARMED CONFLICT (ARTICLES 38 AND 39)Armed conflict converts innocent children into refugees, prisoner, or participants in armed conflicts, and these are all circumstances which contravene with the spirit of War or any armed struggle can severely damage a child’s morale as well as perceptions of ethics, and this must be corrected in a nurturing safe environment. While seeking to rehabilitate children affected by war, the government must also ensure that children are not forced to participate in any armed struggle.
8. THE RIGHT TO BE PROTECTED FROM EXPLOITATION As exploitation is usually achieved through violent means, protection from violence is critical for freeing children from exploitation. This extends to abuse, negligence, and violence by parents, even if it is justified as an instrument of achieving discipline at home. Further, children cannot be made to work in difficult or dangerous conditions. Children can only volunteer to work doing safe chores that do not affect their health, or access to education or play 


Anyone who is under the age of 18 is a minor and therefore should be well taken care of by any family member or caretaker. It should also be known that children have rights and these rights differ from country to country. Above all children have the right to bring to a certain family and a right to education.  

Author: Thandeka Mzungwana, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat

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