
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Date Rape – What Can Be Done To Avoid It?


Rape generally mean violation of women. When we heard the word rape, we made a image in our mind that there must be a man suddenly jump out of the shadows and attacked the girl/women. But there are so many cases where a woman or a girl knows about the attacker or say in some cases of rape a woman does know the attacker may be her relative or friend or one of her mate,etc.

In common words, rape is a crime in which a men forced a women and penetrates his penis to any extent into the vagina/anus/mouth of a women or make her touch his private parts or a men touches womens private parts or make her to do the same to him is a rape. The broken himen doesn’t always shows that it is a rape. Unbroken himen can be result in rape. Hence, anything sexual done with women by men without her consent is falls under the word rape.

In our society, people think that when a women give consent first for intercourse, then men get consent for the lifetime of such women. This is not correct, according to the law no means no it doesn’t matters that whether the woman earlier gives her consent or not. One can not defend himself by saying that she give consent at earlier stage, that doesn’t consider as consent for the future.

When a women is not virgin at the time of rape then it is considered that women must be a slut or a prostitute but you should never judge someone unless you know her side. It doesn’t matter whether the women was virgin or not at the time of incident if there is no consent it will be considered as rape there are no such exceptions falls under this case. But there are cases where a woman put false allegations on a man for say revenge or any other reason for this scenario a man need to proof himself that there is no such incident happens.

Rape is a crime which makes a drastic change in one’s life. It is the begining of nightmares in a women life. Victims of a rape rather ends up with suicide or depression. After rape the life of a women becomes hell and the society itself results in same because whenever a women raped by someone the society thinks it was a mistake of a women may be she was insisting him to do so, why does she wear such clothes, is she trying to impress someone, if she wear those clothes she would be raped,etc. question like this made a life of a women likehell.

It doesn’t about clothes or a relation between them it is about a mentallity, respect towards women. When a women raped the society always blame her no one thinks of a offender who does these things to her. Society’s questions their views, comments or a way of treating the victim made their life like a dead person. Women not raped only that day when the incident occurs, she raped all the time when someone blame her, when someone treat her in wrong way after that incident. Women get depressed or say live in fear of what if it appens again. At this stage a person should support er in every way whatever possible, try to make her believe that they are there for her whenever se needed that will help her to move on with that incident and move forward in her life.

There are some circumstances where a man takes the consent of a women obtained by putting the her life or person related to her’s life in danger or in fear of death or of hurt and another circumstance where a man knows that he is not her usband and that her consent is given because se believes him as her husband, if a women is intoxicated or in unsoundness of mind, then these consent are not considered as consent under section 375 of IPC.
Know you may think that why the name of this article or blog is Date Rape,


When women date someone and that person intoxicates her and without her consent make physical relations with her then it is considered as Date Rape. The most essential feature of this kinda rape is “drugs”. Basically it is a situation in which a man with a use of drugs intoxicate women and raped her. If a women date you that doesn’t mean she is ready to have intercourse with you. For a physical relation the consent of women is a must it doesn’t matter whether she dates you or not. You can not take defence that she was dating me because that doesnt falls under a word “consent”.


Date rape drugs are substances or chemicals that can be used to rape or sexual assault someone. These drugs can make a person intoxicated at such an extent that she will not be able to defend her or protect her from that person.

Date rape is not only happens at date or when you dating someone. It can be anyone who you might known for a while or to whom you met recently. Date rape is a rape committed with a use of drugs for the purpose that she will not be able to protect her. It can be for any reason, one can not define that for what reason he raped her. Some reasons are revenge, sexual arousal,etc. revenge is a main or most seen cases where a person raped her by using drugs just to take revenge.


  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Ketamine
  • GHB

Alcohol is a type of easily available drug that a person can use to rape someone. This type of drug can be given to someone without telling her or whether she takes it with her consent. When a person mixed alcohol to someones drink without telling her or with and a women lose consciousness or be confused after drinking it and will not be able to identify what is going on. And a man raped her is fall under date rape drug.


It is a type of drug that can cause a person to feel sleepy. It can be used as date rape drugs. These drugs include Xanax, Klonopin which cause a victim to feel very relaxed and weakens their muscles or a loss of control on muscless that she will not be able to protect her or do something against them. Some victims feel confused that what is happening to them. After gaining consciousness they may be doesn’t remind what happens they can feel confused about the incident that whethersomething happens or not.


Ketamine is a anesthetia which acts quickly to cause relaxation victim may lose conciousness and be confused about what happened or happening to her. She might not remember what happened earlier or how she loose her conciousness even she is not able to rcognize where she was at that time or what she is doing, etc. Ketamine can cause severe side effects like breathing problem due to heavy doses of this type of drugs. It is comes in a form of powder that may change the taste of whatever you are drinking or eating. It can be used in strong-smelling alcohol beverages to hide the smell of the drug.


There is a drug present in our body name neurotransmitters that helps nerves send and receive signals. GHB is a drug form of this drug neurotransmitter that slows down the activity of central nervous system making a person feel sleepy, confused. A low dose of GHB cause vomiting but a higher dose of this drug may cause loss of consciousness, difficulty in seeing, inable to recall what happened when drugged. It has no odor so a victim have no idea they have been druged by someone.


To avoid date rape, some simple ways can protect you from date rape :
1. Avoid drinking a limitless quantity of alcohol around strangers or someone you dont trust or have any issues.
2. Always go out with friends or with someone whom you can trust or know. And always lookafter each other.
3. Never leave the table with unattended drink always drink as you want and then leave because an unatended drink can be result in contamination of drugs in the drink.
4. Try not to accept a drink from someone you dont know or say from strangers. It might be a drug present in the same.
5. Try not to stay alone with suspicious person or stranger specially after drinking. They might not but might take advantage of your intoxication.


If a person finds out that the ddrug has been given to her then the person should immediately rush to the trustworthy person or friend and tell them about what you feel. Or run to a hospital and tell the doctors that you have been drunked by someone. Doctors then prepare a rape kit to test whether you are a victim of date rape or sexual assault. You can also call at women help line no. “1091” for immediate help.

A rape kit is used to test whether you are a victim of rape or not and if yes police try to aresst an offender who commits this.

Under section 376 of IPC, whoever commits the crime of rape will be punished with 10 years or which may extend to life imprisionment or fine or both. It doesn’t matter who is the criminal rich or poor, normal citizen or a public officer, police officer or any public servant,etc. laws are same for all and you should complain about the same.

If you ever feel like you have been druged and used by someone you should immediately report to the nearest police station, hospital or call at women helpline no. 1091.

Beaware and stay safe…
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