
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 3: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Coronavirus and the Access to Education and Opportunities for Students and Scholars in Various Aspects

                                                                                                                                        -Riya Luhadia

As we all know education plays a very prominent role in each and everyone’s life so it should be imparted in a fair and plausible manner so that there can be no discordance given to the children’s and they will not get deviated from their path of success. With the help of proper education one can judge or critic what is right and what is wrong for them and as well as for the society. A big concern over the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown is the education in the country which has come to a standstill whether it’s school or whether it’s colleges, whether it’s placement, whether it’s entrance exam every thing has been ruined due to this ongoing situation.

COVID19 also known as β€œNovel Corona virus”. The pandemic which affected not just a country but almost the world, with no place excluded and no person away from its consequences which is not an easy thing at all and needs to be cured and resolved as soon as possible. According to various reports throughout, it is the most widely searched keyword on Google in the history and every human being whether working, studying or doing anything else had suffered a lot because of the spread of this virus and are still suffering.


Across the world the schools have been closed way back from the month of March 2020 making matter more worse and the thing is that no one actually knows for sure when they will be able to reopen as corona virus pandemic shows no sign of abating anytime soon. Basically all the countries in the world have been hit hard by the pandemic.


Secondary school students they have been much affected by this ongoing situation as their board exams were postponed and these are the classes which decide what a student have to do in later life basically shows the path to future. But without conducting all exams the results have been declared on the basis of internal assessment and the results were too good this time but then what merit list of students will not be taken into account this year. Every country should become an honor of the talent of meritorious students as this keeps them motivating and helps in achieving what they want and they do hard work for that so it should not be avoided but celebrated.

Β· After that all the schools are taking online classes due to which there is no scope of practical or physical education left as we can see, only giving lectures on the topics of subject matter will not amount for the preferable growth of the student as there is a need of physical and practical education both to keep pace with the society which are not possible by the means of virtual classes.

Β· Proper concept is not understood without the proper instructions. Many student lives in villages where there is lack or no connectivity to network, internet packages nowadays are so costly that poor people can’t afford that which creates hindrance in the studies of the students.

Β· Classroom interaction is missing, limited content is given on internet, parents have more pressure, children’s and student are facing problems like headache, stress, eye itching etc which makes student problematic to study in online classes. It is also not suitable for all ages of children.

Basically, there is no difference left between the distant learning and online classes or online learning now.


Β· Distant students can easily avail the education, it also has no geographical barriers, and it does not require any infrastructure to teach students. Cost effective.

Β· Online learning is free from boring lecture methods; it includes other methods like demonstrations, presentation, project method and etc.

Β· Parents also get to know the activities of the schools and colleges, students can easily access online classes from comfort of home.

Β· Students are safe in home as compared to going out and attending schools and colleges in the ongoing situation.

Online classes are good when it comes to gain knowledge but not very good when it comes to soft factors/character building.

In Kerala the students were taught by the help of Television and speakers which is difficult for students to understand, from this we can see the rate of poverty rising due to this ongoing situation not only in Kerala many more countries are there in which rate of poverty has been increased due to the ongoing situation. But then also in Kerala they are at least providing education to the students and scholars by any possible means available to them at this time and that is why Kerala is the highest education provider in the country and has highest literacy rate as compared to others because they do not compromise with education be it in any way and this should be adopted by all the countries so that there will be no illiteracy left.

From all these we can clearly say that the education has become so important that it is not only limited to schools and institutions but the one who has the caliber to learn and explore things can do it anywhere possible.

It plays a very important role as it helps people in deciding whom should they follow or who they treat as an inspiration because in today’s world students and children’s inspire or follow people so as to become like them which is a good thing but with that people are blindly following the known personality and etc that also on the basis of known personality or how famous they are without analyzing the outcomes of that, which creates problems in their own life as education teaches people the right path to follow by analyzing and exploring, but if it is not so then there is no difference between the educated and uneducated people left. That’s why there is a need of proper education so as to make our world better.


Important Changes: HRD Minister now renamed as Ministry of Education.

GDP investment in education to increased from 1.6% to 6%

Focusing on gross enrolment ratio it will be increased to 50% by 2035

These numbers are achievable only if there is a dynamic change in the existing approach that’s why this policy is made by the help of holistic approach in which academic, vocational and extra curriculum activities have given equal footing and full focus is given on the interest of students to choose subjects so as to develop their skills in that way only and with that they also get ready to face the real world after completing schools and colleges.

The step taken by ministry of education is wider in scope and for its success there should be proper implementation of the policy after scrutinizing every aspect of the education. This new education system will help students in ample of ways as there is no burden of studies and it will not only focus on academic knowledge but with that there will be physical, practical and vocational knowledge which helps in the full growth and development of the child. But for that there should be proper and systematic implementation followed. And then if it happened it will be a great success and achievement for our country.

With all the changes on everyday basis, it is necessary to change the system too so as to keep pace with the society and have peace all around.

Image Credits https://images.app.goo.gl/Ggid7Jd3fkSKjax6A

21 thoughts on “Coronavirus and the Access to Education and Opportunities for Students and Scholars in Various Aspects”

  1. Nice Article πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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