
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Month: April 2021

The Scuffle Between Twitter And The Indian Government, With Growing Tendencies Of Invocation Of Censorship Laws.

AN OVERVIEW OF THE EVENTS THAT UNFOLDED On account of what happened on the evening of 26th of January and the intensification of the farmer protests, a number of Twitter accounts became inaccessible in India, making it necessary for the general public to ponder as to why that happened. The accounts or handles that were …

The Scuffle Between Twitter And The Indian Government, With Growing Tendencies Of Invocation Of Censorship Laws. Read More »

Cryptocurrency Bill 2021: A bad omen or a blessing in disguise for Indian investors?

Introduction According to various conceptions and contemplations, the new Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021 which is proposed in the parliament, would ban the supply of private digital currencies throughout the country. If this happens and the government strictly stops any future exchange of cryptocurrency then around 7 million investors would be …

Cryptocurrency Bill 2021: A bad omen or a blessing in disguise for Indian investors? Read More »