
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Legal Internship Opportunity at ALG India Law Offices LLP

About ALG India Law Offices LLP

ALG India Law Offices LLP is ranked amongst the world’s top 1,000 Law Firms for both Enforcement & Litigation and Prosecution & Strategy, we are a top-tier technology-focused IP (Intellectual Property) boutique law firm having offices in New Delhi and Hyderabad.

Founded in the year 2000, the firm’s law practice in India is recognized for its eminent quality and enviable innovativeness by major awards, notable industry rankings and listings internationally as well as in India. Our focus on IP spans the full range of intellectual property types and genres including trademarks & brands, patents & inventions, technologies and techniques, cultural attainments & art, plant & breeders’ varieties, copyrights & creativity, industrial & aesthetic designs, entertainment, media, broadcasting, digital, streaming and related rights, information technology (IT), internet and cyber law, product development & technical know-how, IP asset management, IP policy and regulation, environmental protection, product liability & consumer protection, telecom & communication, and trade secrets.

About the Legal Internship Opportunity

Submit only one application for Internship.

ALG Internship is a full time program, meaning thereby you cannot do an ALG Internship in combination or in conjunction with any other professional/work commitment or engagement. It must be exclusive, and not part-time. You will be required to provide a declaration to this effect in your application form.

Internships at ALG are organized on the basis of calendar months, i.e. all internships of a month begin at the first working day of the month and conclude on the last working day of the month. It is not possible to select a different duration or starting date of internship. You will be required to provide your preferred month(s) of internship during your application form. We select internship applicants against available internship slots in any upcoming month. There is a separate selection process for each month and an internship offer, provisional or even final, for one month does not automatically guarantee selection for any other month. Months for which the slots of Internships are fully booked will not be visible and available for selection as preferred month of internship in the web-form application. 

Before filling up the application, you should keep pdf files (max 2MB each) of your publications (up to 3) and/or of your writing samples (up to 3) ready to upload along with. (If any writing sample is a part of your academic course work in an educational program, please mention this upfront inside it.) Internship applications cannot be submitted without uploading at least one publication or writing sample. Your Internship application will be critically assessed on the quality of your legal scholarship evidenced in these documents. At this stage you will not need to upload any other documents for submitting your application.

On successfully completing the application and submitting it, you will automatically receive a system-generated acknowledgement email with an allotted application number. Please do not reply to the acknowledgement mail.

If your application is found suitable, you will be contacted by email to provide documents supporting your application and formally complete your application for acceptance. The firm may contact your University/Law School for verifying your academic credentials.

At the end of your satisfactorily completing your internship, you will be issued an Internship Certificate. The Email issuing your Internship Certificate may, if the firm deems fit, contain a Recommendation encouraging you to apply for a Follow-On Internship or for a Specified Attorney Position depending on whether you are a Pre-Final Year student or a Final Year student.

How to Apply

To apply, Click here

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