
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]

Role of Technology During Covid-19

COVID-19’s impact on human behaviour is unprecedented in comparison to the Second World War, the Great Depression, and the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. Various human behaviours (such as shopping, learning, work, meetings, and leisure) have shifted from offline to online to maintain the status quo while addressing this aim. As a result, the adoption of new digital technologies has quickened. The digital divide between regular citizens is expanding, as is the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. As a result of the remarkable changes in human behaviour and the spread of new technologies, our research community now has new chances to investigate technology-related behaviours. During the global financial crisis.

Distant Learning

According to new data released by UNICEF today, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 168 million children worldwide to suspend school for nearly a year. In addition, more than three-quarters or one-seventh of children worldwide have lost more than three-quarters of full-time education[1]. Most educational institutions have begun to provide their courses online so that students can continue their education. Because of the outbreak. Augmented reality, 3D printing, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence robot teachers are all used in remote learning.

Online Entertainment

The way content is created, delivered, and transmitted has altered dramatically because of COVID-19. Live performances and concerts have been streamed online all around the world. Many film studios have also published their films on OTT platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, Netflix, Zee5, Voot Select, and others.

Lockdown makes it clear how simpleit is to watch video on OTT services. It has altered the way individuals absorb information daily. The number of app downloads and viewers on the OTT platform grew dramatically during the power outage.

Many gaming platforms have seen a considerable increase in their user base. The gaming industry’s game turnover and game duration have both increased dramatically. People are turning to video games to help them cope with the stress of COVID-19.

Online Deliveries

Due to the spike in customer demand during the epidemic, the online grocery business has seen remarkable development. Families with children and the elderly preferred to order groceries online. As a result, the number of new users who rely on online grocery delivery apps has risen dramatically. More clients are drawn to the online shipping business model because of the options to choose a desired time zone for delivery and to cut shipping costs for orders over a certain amount.

Work from Home

For a wide range of businesses, work from home solutions assure business continuity. Internet data privacy security, virtual conferencing, cloud conferencing, and other technologies have made it easier for professionals to work from home. Working from home also guarantees that deadlines are met. Working from home has several advantages, including the ability to maintain and adhere to social distance standards.

Legal Proceedings

Certain aspects of civil litigation have already changed. Lawyers used to file remote filings over the phone and send the paperwork to huge boxes throughout the country even before the internet.

The situation now is different. Offices and courts are unable to shutter doors, print documents, or ship due to a lack of resources. For testimony and hearings, lawyers have already begun to employ video conferencing.

At the hearing, video conferencing was quickly implemented. Electronic courts are becoming more common, making it easier for lawyers to access than electronic filing. In any situation, you can limit the size of your petition’s paper and simply attach essential or important documents.


COVID-19 has proved that innovation is timely, methodical, and aids in the calm management of infectious diseases. COVID-19 infections have taught us to plan of time for every disaster, both individually and collectively. To combat an infectious disease like COVID-19, all you must do is prepare. Technological advancement is continuing apace. It will undoubtedly continue to expand at an exponential rate. It is our responsibility as humans to continue to invest in technical systems that will allow us to react to technological advances more quickly and provide better contrast.

Authored by Agrim Gangwar

Student, NMIMS Bangalore

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