
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



The author having a personal interest in the issues of the Middle East and a nascent supporter of the rights of women has chosen this topic to present forth you the contradictory nature present in the Taliban’s version of sacred Muslim law Sharia through which it has been able to run Afghanistan for a term presently exceeding three years. The article is significant as it provides insight into how a government, in the present case an ‘illegitimate, terrorist government’ can misinterpret sacred laws to best suit its needs. The present paper encompasses a whole range of topics commencing from the very roots of the formation of the Taliban to the contradictions in the original as well as theTaliban version of Sharia along with the repercussions it is having on every sector of society be it men, women, education, the functioning of the courts, etc.


  • Dreams buried under soil in resources-rich land
  • Illegitimate terrorist government
  • Shattered dreams of masses
  • The Dreary atmosphere in a theocratic country
  • Islamic Law and Afghan Culture


MatiullahWesa, an activist from Afghanistan, was advocating vigorously against the decision of the Taliban to ban education for girls but was put in prison.

The Sharia law has been interpreted strictly by the Sunni-dominated country and its repercussions are deeply felt in the country. It has restricted the rights of people to a great extent and made the lives of people vulnerable. Women being compelled to dress as per law curtails their liberty, the law restraining the extent of education a person can achieve by limiting it to ‘Islamic law and Afghan culture’. The list continues as discussed afterward in this short article. Those who are protesting against it like the figure aboveWesa have been subjected to conviction and other sorts of punishment while the Taliban is also using sexual assault as a measure against women activists.

What’s purely given in the Quran is being misinterpreted to fulfill the objectives of the Taliban. Taliban’s interpretation of Sharia regulation is set apart by a severe, punitive methodology that wanders from more extensive Islamic standards and the privileges generally stood to women. Their form is vigorously impacted by neighborhood customs and a moderate perusing of Islamic messages, prompting critical basic liberties infringement anddeception of what Sharia can encapsulate in a more moderate and comprehensive setting. Adding to the grievances, it has even injured the overall economic structure with the economy contracting by 20.7% in 2021. The number of people needing assistance has risen to around 29 million as of 2023.