
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



Despite humans being considered social animals and bearing the same animal cells in their bodies, they consider themselves as a class superior to animals. But the truth remains that animals, plants, microorganisms and the “homo sapiens” have to co-exist in the same levelled biosphere for balanced survival. Even the tiniest microorganism makes a difference. In the world of law, to constitute a crime, mens rea and actus reus are a must and it also operates on a cause-and-effect relationship. While the pivotal role of biological elements pertaining to humans like hair, nail clippings, blood, etc, on the crime scene or found during the course of investigation are quite known in the legal arena to prove criminal liability of an individual- most of which can be accredited to the media having popularised the same, how the other organisms contribute in solving crimes is less spoken of. This research paper tries to shed light on the legal and scientific aspects of how animals and insects play a significant role on crime scenes and assist in the tough process of crime solving.

Keywords- animal cells, co-exist, animals, insects, crime scene, criminal liability, legal, scientific.


The findings at a crime scene reveals a lot of details about the crime commission, the perpetrator and even the victim which helps derive the criminal culpability of the offender specifically in those matters where violation of jus in rem in involved i.e., in criminal matters.

“Crime scene investigation”, the method employed to find such details on the crime scene, is defined as “the process of discovering, collecting the information, identifying of evidence associated with identification of a criminal act or event.[1]

“Animal” is defined as “a living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses especially of sign and hearing. In ordinary use, animal means all living things except human.”[2]

While the role of forensic science and its branches since generations are undeniable in the world of solving crimes[3], animals and insects as  emerging heroes in the arena is a novel field.

This has also led to the interaction between the discipline of Law and Veterinary Genetics along with the collaboration of Law and Forensic Etymology becoming fields gaining immense popularity over the years.

Animal Forensic Genetics is “the application of genetic techniques and theories relevant to legal or law enforcement issues concerning animal biological material.”[4]

Forensic Entomology is defined as ‘study of arthropods,  specially insects, associated with crimes and other aspects of the courts and judicial system.’[5]

Additionally, the integration of myriad disciplines with Law is quite pivotal to be understood because, just like humans, animals or insects can take the form of a “perpetrator”, “victim” or even be “a witness” in a matter of crime.

In the light of the above scenario, this research aims at looking at the various dimensions of Veterinary Genetics and Entomology in connection with Forensic investigation and the Law, its flaws, successes and procedures in crime resolution.

[1] A.K Kapoor, Indelah Shah; Crime Scene Investigation, https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/antp07/chapter/crimesceneinvestigations/

[2] Animal, Cambridge Dictionary,http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/English/animal

[3] Lloyd Institute of Forensic Science, Branches of Forensic Science (Feb 10,2024), http://lifs.co.in/blog/branchesofforensicscience.html

[4] Irene Cardinali, The Revolution of Animal Genomics in Forensic Science, National Library of Medicine(16

May 2023), http://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10218398

[5] Forensic Entomology, Science Direct