
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 2: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



A woman is considered as a goddess in a country like India, she is seen as the epitome of knowledge, goodness and piety. When we talk about India as an independent country what do we see as independence? Is it geographical independence, political independence or financial independence. Although this country is celebrating its 78th independence from the British rule, the independence is enjoyed only by half of its population because the rest of the population is always petrified of their safety and still has to go for a candle march for a getting justice. The independence of India unfortunately lacks social and gender independence. According to official statistics 1 girl is raped every 15 minutes in India and in general 72.2% of rape victims are over 18 while 27.8% are under 18.[1]

Despite major judgments like the Nirbhaya rape case, Mathura rape case, Aruna Shanbaug case and Vishaka case rapes continue to occur in the same manner. What is the root cause of such crime against women? Is it the social media or is it the dressing of women or the unfulfilled sexual aspirations of men?

This paper focuses on highlighting the issue of rape and how it affects not only the victim but the society in large. It also examines the situation of other countries and compare with the Indian context. The literature review consists of a study of the recent case of the Kolkata murder and also highlight major comparisons of rape in India and other countries.


Rape, Independence, Society, Victim, Goddess

[1] [ Maitrisutariya ][Research on rape][legal services India]https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-8731-research-on rape.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20NCRB%20(National,committed%20by%20a%20known%20individual.&text=In%20general.,while%2027.8%25%20are%20under%2018 (18/8/24)