
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 3: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



The present abstract showcases an analytical investigation carried out on the corporate sector’s whistleblowing mechanism, emphasizing its significance in advancing accountability and transparency in corporate society. Reporting or making public illegal activity, corruption, and misbehavior is known as whistleblowing.

In order to stop fraud and expose corruption in both the public and commercial sectors, whistleblowers are a crucial part of the corporate governance machinery. Globally, regional accords, international conventions, and diverse civil groups have been instrumental in promoting concerns pertaining to whistleblower protection. In order to establish the necessary legislation, member states of several countries have signed numerous international accords. The Indian government’s Whistle Blowing Protection Act, 2014 has changed throughout time to meet new issues in the public sector.

This article attempts to explain India’s whistleblower policy, which aims to give whistleblowers legal protection. The paper concludes by highlighting the importance of whistleblowing in the fight against corporate fraud and to improve corporate governance. The purpose of this article is to increase knowledge on the extent to which businesses or organizations have whistleblower policies.

Keywords- Corporate society, whistleblower, legal protection, transparency.