Seeking justice is a fundamental human right.[1]Ensuring its accessibility is instrumental to maintaining the stability and progress of a nation. Despite its inherent significance, numerous obstacles hinder access, including lack of transparency, delay in justice due to case pendency, complicated judicial process, and lack of resources. Through a comprehensive examination of literature, case studies, and empirical data, this paper delves into the complex interplay of factors that make acommoner’s appeal for justice tedious and how we can overcome these challenges through technological intervention. From assisting lawyers in their legal research to improving the efficiency of the judicial system through the digitisation of court records, technology can bring about a much-needed change in a common man’s endeavour for justice. Responsible technology integration can easily handle vast amounts of data, facilitating more informed judgements.
Through this research, we seek to establish how various technological tools such as legal information platforms and virtual courtrooms transcend boundaries of distance, affordability of legal services and the inability of people to understand the law to reach vulnerable communities.
Furthermore, discussing various limitations, such as the digital divide, privacy and security, and the potential biases accompanying this transition is imperative.
[1] AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, https://www.americanbar.org/advocacy/rule_of_law/what-we-do/human-rights-access-to-justice/#:~:text=International%20standards%20recognize%20access%20to,of%20these%20standards%20is%20weak., (last visited Mar. 12,2024)