
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



The convergence of competition law and IPR has gained prominence in recent years, particularly with the advancement of technology and innovation. While competition law endeavors to uphold fair competition and deter anti-competitive conduct, IPR aims to stimulate innovation and originality by bestowing exclusive rights upon creators and innovators.

Nonetheless, instances arise where the exercise of intellectual property rights could impede competition. For instance, if a company wielding a dominant market position utilizes its patents or copyrights to unjustly exclude competitors, it may constitute anti-competitive behavior. In such cases, competition authorities intervene to ensure a delicate equilibrium between safeguarding intellectual property rights and fostering competition.

Likewise, mergers and acquisitions involving firms possessing substantial intellectual property assets may raise competition apprehensions. Competition authorities may scrutinize such transactions to ascertain whether they might detrimentally impact competition by curbing innovation or restricting consumer options.

In essence, striking a balance between safeguarding intellectual property rights and deterring anti-competitive conduct is vital for nurturing innovation, enhancing consumer welfare, and preserving a competitive marketplace. Achieving this equilibrium necessitates meticulous deliberation and cooperation between competition authorities and holders of intellectual property rights.

A conflict arises between IPR and competition law, as IPR grants exclusive rights that may result in monopolistic behavior, conflicting with the aims of competition policy. While it’s essential to incentivize inventors and creators, maintaining market competitiveness is equally vital. However, there are instances where they complement each other, as IPR stimulates technological innovation, leading to increased product diversity and dynamic market growth, which aligns with competition policy objectives.

Market regulation employs diverse mechanisms, including both free market and regulated operations, to reconcile the interests of innovation and competition, fostering their mutual development within the marketplace.