
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 5 | Issue 1: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



Background of AI in the Legal Profession

The AI Task Force Report served as the first component of India’s AI framework, which aimed to thoroughly investigate AI. This task group was set up by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to investigate the potential monetary advantages of artificial intelligence for India. It is headed by N. Chandrasekaran, Chairman of Tata Sons. The goal of the Taskforce was laid forth. In order to achieve the objective of India being a leader among AI-rich economies, it is necessary to include AI into our economic, political, and legal reasoning processes.[1]

Many people in India believe that the legal industry still relies heavily on human work and manual processes. Because of this, artificial intelligence (AI) is not widely used yet. Some are worried that if AI becomes more common, it could eventually replace humans in the legal field. However, larger legal firms and tech-savvy lawyers are embracing technology to gain an advantage over their competitors. India’s legal system is extensive, and using AI can help it keep up with the constantly changing world. AI, especially machine learning, allows legal researchers to gain valuable insights quickly and easily. One example of a firm embracing AI is Cyril Armarchand and Mangaldas, which has licensed a machine learning tool called “Kira” from Kira Systems in Canada. This AI software can save a lot of time and effort by handling many tasks.[2]

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is causing a sea change in the legal profession, which has long been associated with analytical thinking, detailed documentation, and exhaustive study. The development of AI is having a profound impact on the legal industry, improving accessibility, efficiency, and accuracy in many areas. Various uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal field are discussed in this article, along with the possible effects of AI on the provision of legal services. Research and document review in the legal field are two of AI’s most visible uses. Algorithms driven by artificial intelligence can swiftly comb through mountains of legislation, case laws, and other legal papers, saving attorneys a ton of time and energy. With the help of AI’s natural language processing (NLP) skills, we can finally put complicated legal documents to the test and find pertinent precedents. When it comes to due diligence and contract management, legal professionals have come to rely on AI-driven contract analysis tools. So that they may spend more time analyzing and making decisions and less time manually reviewing contracts, these technologies can spot possible dangers, discrepancies, and abnormalities. [3]

[1] The Transformative Role of AI in the Legal Profession. (2019). Www.linkedin.com.

[2] Banerji, O. (2021, September 26). Role of artificial intelligence in law. IPleaders.

[3] Government of India. (2018). National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence.