
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



The pursuit of financial literacy in India is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with digital broking platforms emerging as a powerful force for change. As the country grapples with diverse demographics and varying levels of financial awareness, these platforms have become catalysts for improved financial education and inclusion. This article explores how digital broking platforms are contributing to the enhancement of financial literacy in India.

With their user-friendly interfaces and simplified account-opening processes, these platforms are breaking down traditional barriers to entry into financial markets. Accessibility has become the cornerstone of their impact, allowing individuals from various backgrounds to participate in the world of investing with ease.

The provision of comprehensive educational modules helps demystify financial jargon and market complexities, empowering individuals to make informed decisions. Platforms like Zerodha’s Varsity and Upstox’s Learning Centre offer valuable resources, fostering a culture of financial responsibility and decision-making.

Robo-advisory services add another dimension to the transformation, offering automated portfolio management based on individual goals and risk profiles. The cost-effective nature of digital brokerage platforms has also played a pivotal role in attracting a wider investor base, particularly among the younger generation.

Digital marketing campaigns on platforms like YouTube, Meta, and traditional TV are instrumental in raising awareness about financial opportunities and educating the masses. While the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) drives some to explore investments impulsively, it indirectly sparks interest in financial literacy and education.

Reports reveal a substantial increase in Demat accounts, reflecting the growing participation in financial markets. This phenomenon, coupled with the role of fintech companies simplifying transactions, signifies a transformative journey toward financial empowerment in India.

In conclusion, the confluence of financial literacy, digital broking platforms, fintech companies, and a commitment to enhancing financial education is reshaping India’s financial landscape. This holistic approach fosters a more financially aware and responsible society, contributing to the nation’s economic growth and prosperity. The journey towards financial literacy in India is ongoing, holding the potential to transform countless lives and strengthen the nation’s financial well-being.

Keywords: India, financial literacy, digital broking platforms, financial education, robo-advisory, investment, financial inclusion, financial awareness, FOMO, fintech, Demat accounts.


In a country as diverse and dynamic as India, the quest for financial literacy has been a challenging task taking into consideration the literacy rate of India, the financial awareness of the people, and the lack of financial educational curriculum and infrastructure. India’s burgeoning middle class, ever-evolving economic landscape, and the government’s commitment to financial inclusion have made financial literacy a national priority. In this pursuit, digital broking platforms have emerged as a beacon of hope, ushering in a transformative era of financial education and empowerment.

For decades, India’s financial sector was often characterized by complexity, inaccessibility, and a lack of transparency. With a multitude of investment options, intricate market dynamics, and a dearth of reliable resources, many Indians found themselves on the sidelines of the financial world. However, the advent of digital broking platforms has irrevocably altered this landscape, empowering individuals from all walks of life to become not just consumers, but informed participants in the financial markets.

The driving force behind the digital broking revolution is rooted in accessibility. These platforms offer users a simplified user interface and streamlined gateway to the financial markets. Gone are the days of endless paperwork, face-to-face meetings, long processing times, and a ton of processing fees. With just a few clicks, individuals can open trading accounts, buy and sell stocks, invest in mutual funds, and explore a diverse range of financial instruments, all from the comfort of their homes even with very low operating fees. This ease of access is the first stepping stone towards financial literacy.

Before online applications, stock trading was intimidating, demanding an understanding of market intricacies, financial terminology, and personal stockbroker relationships, often necessitating substantial capital. This exclusivity deterred many from participating in the stock market.

Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is a cornerstone of personal financial well-being, a fundamental pillar that supports economic stability, and a key driver in fostering a culture of responsible money management. The literal definition of financial literacy is understanding the topic of money. Financial literacy represents one area of financial wellness. However, it takes more than financial literacy to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. It takes a focus on behaviors, systems, and sentiment, and makes regular adjustments based on outcomes[1]. The ability to make financially educated decisions is known as financial literacy and is characterized by a person’s knowledge, abilities, and behaviors. Financial knowledge, financial education, and financial literacy are all interchangeable terms[2]. Every day, average consumers have to make incredibly complex financial decisions, yet there’s growing evidence that families don’t always have the most accurate knowledge when it comes to making many important financial decisions[3]. The literature on financial literacy can be simply divided into two broad categories: evaluations of specific financial literacy education initiatives and assessments of financial literacy across various cohorts or groups[4]. “Financial literacy is the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts and risks, and the skills, motivation, and confidence to apply such knowledge and understanding to make effective decisions across a range of financial contexts, to improve the financial well-being of individuals and society, and to enable participation in economic life”[5]. “the skills, knowledge, and tools that equip people to make individual financial decisions and actions to attain their goals; this may also be known as financial capability, especially when paired with access to financial products and services.”[6] Financial literacy encompasses the capacity to make well-informed decisions and implement effective strategies concerning the present and future handling and control of finances. This knowledge extends to managing financial challenges linked to life events such as unemployment, retirement savings, or funding a child’s education.[7] It refers to the ability of an individual to use financial instruments, institutions, and concepts in daily life in such a way as to make optimal financial decisions to make the best use of their finance.

OECD stated the definition, endorsed by the G20 leaders as “a combination of financial awareness, knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviors necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial well-being”[8]

Digital financial literacy, or DFL, is the fusion of financial literacy with the utilization of digital technology in financial matters. It encompasses both a solid understanding of financial principles and the competence of individuals to employ digital devices for making informed financial choices. Given the growing prevalence of digitalization, there is a pressing demand for digital financial literacy among all consumers, as it can help protect individuals from falling victim to fraud and making ill-advised financial decisions.[9]

State of Financial Literacy in India

India, known for its incredible diversity in terms of its population, faces a considerable challenge when it comes to making sure that people have the knowledge and skills to effectively handle their finances. The country has a wide range of people with varying degrees of financial awareness. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the population lacks even the most fundamental financial literacy. This deficit in understanding encompasses various aspects, including not being aware of investment opportunities, not planning for retirement, and struggling with basic budgeting.

With a vision to promote financial literacy in India, the Government of India came up with the National Strategy for Financial Education(NSFE) and set up the National Centre for Financial Education(NCFE) on the suggestions given by OECD which is two folded, NSFE (2013 – 2018) and with keeping in mind the developments in the stated period, National Centre for Financial Education prepared the second fold, i.e. NSFE (2020 – 2025). This suggests adopting a strategy that recommends the adoption of a multi-stakeholder approach to achieve the financial well-being of all Indians.

According to the survey conducted by the Reserve Bank of India in the year 2019, only 27.18% of the population meets the minimum level or threshold of Financial Literacy as prescribed by OECD-INFE, where 29% are male and 21% are female[10].

The lack of financial education compounds the problem. Families in India discuss financial matters with their children for an average of just ten days per year[12]. This dearth of financial education exacerbates the reliance on traditional financial products like bank deposits and life insurance. The growing middle class, with significant savings at their disposal, often remains unaware of alternative investment opportunities.

Digital Broking Platform

In the dynamic landscape of modern finance, digital brokerage and trading platforms have emerged as indispensable tools for investors seeking to navigate the complex world of securities trading. These online platforms serve as virtual marketplaces where investors can seamlessly buy and sell various dematerialized securities, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The primary allure of these platforms lies in the convenience and accessibility they offer, enabling investors to manage their portfolios from the comfort of their own homes or on the go, breaking down the barriers of physical location and time constraints.

In the fast-paced world of securities trading, timing can be critical. To address this need, trading platforms often incorporate notifications and alerts. These notifications can encompass a wide range of parameters, from price changes and market movements to specific triggers set by the investor. Such alerts keep investors informed of significant developments and enable them to take swift actions, whether it be seizing an investment opportunity or implementing a risk management strategy.

In summary, digital brokerage and trading platforms have revolutionized the way investors engage with financial markets. By offering a diverse range of investment options and eliminating geographical and temporal constraints, these platforms have democratized access to the world of securities trading. Moreover, the integration of research and analysis tools, real-time news feeds, and trading notifications empowers investors to make well-informed decisions, thereby enhancing their ability to navigate the complexities of the financial world effectively. As the financial industry continues to evolve, these platforms will undoubtedly remain pivotal in helping investors build and manage their portfolios with confidence and precision.

Digital Broking Platform in India

The Indian financial markets have witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, primarily driven by the advent of digitization. This transformation has touched various sectors within the financial industry, and one such sector that has undergone a substantial revolution is the stockbroking industry. The emergence of discount brokers, in particular, has brought about significant changes, offering investors a plethora of services at substantially lower costs than traditional brokerage firms. This shift in the industry landscape has democratized investing and trading, making it more accessible to a broader spectrum of individuals and ushering in a new era of financial market participation.

The pivotal role of digitization in this transformation cannot be overstated. Digital booking platforms have leveraged technology and the Internet to provide investors with easy access to financial markets. The user-friendly interfaces of these platforms have made trading and investing more convenient than ever before, enabling users to manage their portfolios from the comfort of their homes or while on the move. Real-time market data, stock prices, charts, and financial news are readily available, empowering users to make well-informed decisions.

The rise of the discount brokerage industry in India can be traced back to the early 2010s when online discount trading platforms first made their appearance. These platforms offered a disruptive alternative to the traditional brokerage model by drastically reducing the cost of trading and investing. The concept of discount brokerage resonated with investors who were seeking to minimize expenses and maximize their returns. As a result, it has gained significant traction over the years, attracting a growing number of participants who appreciate the cost-efficiency, accessibility, and transparency it brings to the table.

The Indian stockbroking industry has been a beneficiary of the broader digitization trend in the country. The advent of discount brokers and online trading platforms has democratized financial market participation, and the remarkable increase in the number of Demat accounts is a testament to the industry’s shift towards embracing technology. The transformation of the stock broking industry in India exemplifies how technological advancements and changing consumer preferences are reshaping the financial landscape of the nation.

Digital Broking Platforms Improving the Financial Literacy of India

  1. Convenience and accessibility

Digital brokerage platforms have ushered in a new era of accessibility and inclusivity in the world of investing. Gone are the days when substantial sums of money, specialized knowledge, and the intermediation of traditional brokerage firms were prerequisites for participation in financial markets. Today, virtually anyone can embark on their investment journey with just a PAN Card and a modest investment of as low as 100 rupees. This fundamental shift has opened the doors to a much wider spectrum of potential investors, from various socio-economic backgrounds.

One of the standout advantages of digital brokerage platforms is the unparalleled convenience and speed they offer. Opening an account and commencing trading can be achieved in a matter of minutes, reducing the time and paperwork that traditionally burden the investment process. This level of speed and convenience is particularly attractive to a tech-savvy generation accustomed to instant online interactions[13].

Moreover, these platforms are designed with user-friendliness as a top priority. Their interfaces are typically intuitive and straightforward, making market navigation accessible for both newcomers and seasoned investors. This user-centric design helps demystify the world of investing, empowering individuals to make informed choices and take control of their financial futures.

Digital brokerage platforms also provide an unprecedented level of flexibility. Investors can access these platforms through various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices, granting them the freedom to trade from virtually anywhere with an internet connection. This around-the-clock access allows investors to manage their portfolios and seize opportunities at their convenience.

  1. Market Data and Financial Data at tips

Digital brokerage platforms have revolutionized the investment landscape by offering investors access to a treasure trove of real-time market data and research tools. This wealth of information empowers investors to make well-informed, data-driven decisions. With real-time quotations, charts, and news updates at their fingertips, users can effectively track market moves and stay updated on the latest developments, ensuring they are equipped to react swiftly to market fluctuations and seize investment opportunities as they arise[14].

One of the remarkable aspects of these platforms is the comprehensive set of information they provide about stocks and the companies behind them. Investors can delve into the fundamentals of a company, gaining insights into its financial health and performance. This includes essential metrics such as Market Capitalization, Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio, Return on Equity (ROE) Percentage, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Earnings Per Share (EPS) on a trailing twelve-month (TTM) basis. These metrics help investors gauge the company’s overall financial stability and its ability to generate profits.

In addition, these broking platforms provide the investors with a wide range of graphs of the price history and performance of the stock in the market which includes line graphs, bar graphs, and most importantly the candle stick format with a wide spectrum of functions indicators and strategies, from where the investors can in-depthanalyze the performance of the company over the past time.

Furthermore, digital brokerage platforms offer access to the financials of the company, including its revenue, profit or loss figures, and net worth. These financial metrics provide a comprehensive view of the company’s income, profitability, and overall financial position. In addition, investors can explore shareholding patterns, which reveal the distribution of a company’s shares among different stakeholders, including promoters, institutions, and retail investors. This insight can be invaluable in understanding the level of confidence and interest various groups have in a particular stock or company.

By stating this information it enables a new investor to learn about these concepts before investing into a stock, thereby improving the financial literacy among the new investors.

  1. Educational Module

Educational modules provided by brokerage platforms play a crucial role in improving financial literacy by breaking down complex financial concepts and terminology into easily understandable language. These modules help individuals understand the various investment options available to them, empowering them to make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance thereby improving the financial literacy among the people. Additionally, they provide valuable insights into risk management, allowing individuals to assess and mitigate risks effectively.

The provision of financial education modules by brokerage platforms is playing a pivotal role in enhancing the financial literacy of individuals in India. These platforms have recognized the need to empower investors with knowledge and understanding of the securities market, and they are actively addressing this need by offering a wealth of educational resources.

One such notable example is Zerodha’s “Varsity,[15]” a free and comprehensive learning module. Varsity is an educational initiative that covers a wide range of topics, starting from the fundamentals of the stock market to the intricacies of various trading strategies and technical analysis. Through a combination of articles, videos, and short courses, Zerodha’s Varsity empowers both novice and experienced investors to make informed decisions. It simplifies complex financial concepts and demystifies the stock market, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Similarly, Upstox’s “Learning Centre[16]” and “UpLearn[17]” provide valuable educational content that helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of the stock market and financial instruments. These platforms offer a variety of learning modules, ranging from the basics of stock trading to more advanced concepts like IPOs, financial structures, intraday trading, and more. Users can access blogs, videos, articles, and other educational materials designed to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The impact of these educational initiatives extends beyond just the investors themselves. By fostering financial literacy, these brokerage platforms contribute to a more informed and responsible investing community. This, in turn, promotes a healthier investment ecosystem, reduces the risks associated with uninformed decision-making, and empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures.

Moreover, improved financial literacy can lead to better financial planning, risk management, and investment strategies. It helps individuals make well-informed choices when it comes to saving, investing, and managing their finances, ultimately contributing to their long-term financial well-being. As a result, individuals are better equipped to achieve their financial goals, whether it’s saving for retirement, education, or other life milestones.

  1. Robo-Advisory

Digital brokerage platforms have evolved to offer more than just self-directed trading; they now provide automated investing and robo-advisory services that are transforming the way individuals manage their investments. Robo-advisors, a prominent feature in this transformation, are digital platforms designed to create and manage investment portfolios based on an investor’s financial goals and risk profile. This innovation allows investors to adopt a more hands-off approach to managing their investments, transferring portfolio management to algorithms that automatically rebalance and optimize their holdings[18].

Robo-advisory services are particularly appealing to those who prefer passive investment strategies or lack the time and expertise to actively oversee their portfolios. The allure of these services lies in their ability to provide a hassle-free and efficient way to invest, making them accessible to a broader range of investors.

Furthermore, a recent and exciting development in the financial technology landscape is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into retail trading. These technologies are facilitating not only error prevention but also learning from an investor’s trading patterns, effectively acting as a coach or guide to help them become more adept investors[19]. As the retail investor base continues to grow, we can anticipate the emergence of even more tools and products that leverage AI and ML to assist investors in making more informed decisions and staying ahead in the ever-changing market.

  1. Cost Effective Investment

The emergence and subsequent popularity of online investment platforms such as Zerodha and Groww and more have significantly contributed to the growth of the stock market by democratizing access to financial markets thereby improving financial literacy among the population. The lower fees associated with these platforms have played a pivotal role in attracting a larger base of investors, especially among the younger generation and retail investors. Traditionally, investing in the stock market was often perceived as a realm reserved for the wealthy due to high brokerage fees, account minimums, and other associated costs. However, the disruptive pricing models offered by the broking platforms have revolutionized this landscape, making it far more accessible and affordable for individuals to invest.

By significantly reducing brokerage fees, these platforms have empowered a new wave of investors, allowing them to trade stocks, mutual funds, and other financial instruments with lower costs. This reduction in fees directly translates to cost savings for investors, enabling them to put more of their money to work in the market. Lower fees have encouraged more frequent trading and investing, as the barriers to entry have been minimized, encouraging individuals to experiment and learn about the market without the fear of excessive costs eating into their potential profits.

Furthermore, the user-friendly interfaces and educational resources provided by these platforms have helped to demystify the complexities of the stock market for newcomers. Novice investors now have access to a wealth of information, tutorials, and tools that enable them to make informed investment decisions, thereby fostering confidence in their trading abilities.

In essence, the reduced fees offered by online platforms like Zerodha and Groww have been a significant catalyst in the growth of the stock market. They have broken down barriers to entry, empowered a new generation of investors, and brought more diversity and activity to the market, ultimately contributing to its expansion and evolution.

  1. Marketing of the Broking Platforms

The role of marketing in improving financial literacy in India, especially through advertisements on platforms like YouTube, Meta, and traditional TV, is instrumental. These marketing campaigns not only raise awareness about the existence of digital brokerage platforms but also serve as a valuable educational tool. YouTube, with its vast user base, provides an ideal platform for booking platforms to disseminate educational content. They often collaborate with YouTubers who specialize in finance and investments, creating informative videos that demystify the world of stock trading and financial markets.

On Meta (formerly Facebook), targeted ads can reach a wide audience, including those who may not be actively seeking financial information. These ads can direct users to informative content, webinars, or tutorials, offering them the opportunity to enhance their financial knowledge.

Traditional TV advertisements are effective in reaching a broad demographic, including individuals who may not be active on digital platforms. These ads can pique interest and encourage people to explore digital brokerage platforms, thereby improving their financial literacy. In this way, marketing becomes a crucial catalyst in empowering more Indians to make informed financial decisions and participate in the evolving financial landscape.

  1. Fear of Missing Out

The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a pervasive phenomenon among youngsters, especially in the context of the stock market. FOMO refers to the anxiety or unease that individuals experience when they believe they are missing out on profitable opportunities, often driven by social media, peer pressure, or the fear of being left behind.

Many young investors are influenced by social media, where stories of quick riches and stock market success can go viral, intensifying their FOMO. They worry that if they don’t invest, they might miss out on substantial gains. As a result, they often make impulsive investment decisions without proper research or understanding.

However, it can be argued that FOMO has indirectly contributed to the growth of financial literacy among young people. As FOMO drives them to explore the stock market, many begin to educate themselves about investment strategies, risk management, and financial concepts. They seek to understand what they are investing in and how the stock market works to avoid potential losses.

FOMO may initially lead to hasty investment decisions, but it has also spurred an interest in financial literacy among youngsters. This interest can potentially lead to a more informed and educated generation of investors who make better financial decisions in the long run. However, young investors need to strike a balance between their FOMO-driven impulses and the need for comprehensive financial education to truly benefit from the stock market.

The above statistics shows that the number of Demat accounts have increased by over 350% concerning active Clients Account, which implies that the population of India is getting involved in investing and financial literacy is improving over the varied spectrum of the population over time, and the digital broking platforms are the major player to contribute to the development of the economic and improvement in the financial literacy.


The landscape of financial literacy in India has seen significant transformations, largely driven by the advent of digital brokerage platforms, fintech companies, and the broader adoption of digital technology. These changes have played a pivotal role in bridging the knowledge gap and empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions.

the confluence of financial literacy, digital brokerage platforms, and the role of fintech companies in India represents a transformative journey toward financial empowerment. India’s diverse population has historically faced challenges in understanding and participating in financial markets. However, the advent of digital brokerage platforms has dismantled traditional barriers, making investing accessible to a wider demographic. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, educational modules, and a range of services, nurturing financial literacy and providing the tools to make informed decisions.

Furthermore, fintech companies, often leveraging the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), have simplified transactions and investments, creating a seamless financial experience. They have introduced a new generation of investors to the stock market, nurturing interest and curiosity about financial matters.

In conclusion, the holistic approach to financial education, driven by digital brokerage platforms, fintech companies, and a commitment to enhancing financial literacy, is reshaping India’s financial landscape. The future holds promise as these initiatives converge to build a more financially aware and responsible society, thereby contributing to the nation’s economic growth and prosperity. The journey toward financial literacy in India is ongoing, and it holds the potential to transform countless lives and strengthen the nation’s financial well-being.

[1]Financial Literacy Definitation, https://www.financialeducatorscouncil.org/financial-literacy-definition/, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[2]Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Financial well-being: The goal of financial education, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/research-reports/financial-well-being/, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[3]NBER Working Paper Series, How Ordinary Consumers Make Complex Economic Decisions: Financial Literacy And Retirement Readiness, https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w15350/w15350.pdf, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[4] Diana J Beal And Sarath B. Delpachitra, Financial Literacy Among Australian University Students, https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/11037001.pdf, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[5] PISA 2018 Financial Literacy Framework, OECD iLibrary, https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/a1fad77c-en/index.html?itemId=/content/component/a1fad77c-en, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[6] U.S. National Strategy for Financial Literacy 2020, U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission 2020, https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/US-National-Strategy-Financial-Literacy-2020.pdf/, (Last Accessed on 24.10.2023)

[7] Factors Affecting the Financial Literacy of Individuals with Limited English Proficiency, Report to Congressional Committees, GAO, https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-10-518.pdf, (Last Accessed on 25.10.2023)

[8] Digitalisation and Financial Literacy, G20/OECD INFE Policy Guidance , https://www.oecd.org/g20/summits/buenos-aires/G20-OECD-INFE-Policy-Guidance-Digitalisation-Financial-Literacy-2018.pdf, (Last Accessed on 25.10.2023)


[10]Reserve Bank of India Reports, National Strategy for Financial Education, https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/PublicationReportDetails.aspx?UrlPage=&ID=1156#CH2, Executive Summary:NCFE Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey, 2019, National Centre for Financial Education, https://ncfe.org.in/images/pdfs/ExecSumm_.pdf, (Last Accessed on 25.10.2023)


[12]Dr. Anita, Financial Literacy in India: A Critical Review of Digitalization and Demonetization, International Journal of Economic Research Volume 16, Number 2, 2019, ISSN 0972-9380, https://serialsjournals.com/abstract/80646_ch-16-dr.pdf, (Last Accessed on 26.10.2023)

[13]Inc42, From Simplicity To Security: Why Millennials, GenZs Are Riding The Investment Tech Wave In India, Inc42, https://inc42.com/startups/from-simplicity-to-security-why-millennials-genzs-are-riding-the-investment-tech-wave-in-india/, (Last Accessed on 27.10.2023)

[14]Finance Magnates, Digital Brokerage and Trading Platforms: Innovative Disruption in the Investment Industry, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/digital-brokerage-trading-platforms-innovative-disruption/, (Last Accessed on 27.10.2023)

[15]Varsity by Zerodha, https://zerodha.com/varsity/ , (Last Accessed on 29.10.2023)

[16]Learning Centre by Upsotx, https://upstox.com/learning-center/, (Last Accessed on 29.10.2023)

[17]Uplearn by Upstox, https://upstox.com/uplearn/, (Last Accessed on 29.10.2023)

[18]Prateek Adani, The Rise of the Retail Investor: How Technology is Making Investment Accessible to All, Financial Express, https://www.financialexpress.com/market/cafeinvest-the-rise-of-the-retail-investor-how-technology-is-making-investment-accessible-to-all-3103040/, (Last Accessed on 30.10.2023)

[19] Digital Brokerage and Trading Platforms: Disruption in the Investment Industry, Finance Magnates, https://www.financemagnates.com/fintech/education-centre/digital-brokerage-and-trading-platforms-disruption-in-the-investment-industry/, (Last Accessed on 30.10.2023)

[20]NSDL Annual Report, https://nsdl.co.in/downloadables/pdf/Annual_Report_2022-23.pdf, (Last Accessed on 30.10.2023)

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