
Trending: Call for Papers Volume 4 | Issue 4: International Journal of Advanced Legal Research [ISSN: 2582-7340]



Technology has advanced to great advantage for humanity. But as technology develops, a lot of our freedoms are now in jeopardy. Concern over the right to privacy is growing as technology develops and the amount of data being continuously collected and processed in the market increases. The advent of digitalization has given rise to illicit activities such as identity theft, cyberbullying, and data fraud. Users’ private information is typically handled improperly when they provide it to websites for businesses, state agencies, digital networking, interaction intelligence corporations, and others. The constant advancements in technology and electrical systems in today’s society provide us with many conveniences that make life easier. Even though some argue that privacy safeguards have gotten better, every new advancement in this field also raises the risks to people’s privacy. People are in danger because India does not have a comprehensive law protecting the privacy of personal data. The current IT regulations are inadequate and do not provide enough security. Security cannot be guaranteed, even if someone believes they have taken all the appropriate precautions to protect their personal information. The more people who use the internet, the greater the likelihood that someone will violate someone else’s privacy. When someone is debating a purchase, an odd thing happens: social media feeds soon after showing ads for the same products, giving the impression that someone is paying attention. With more people using the internet and disclosing personal information voluntarily, the significance of privacy rights in our daily lives is increasing. The privacy laws that exist now were created without considering the challenges of the current digital era, during a time when telegrams and phone lines were commonly used.

Keywords: Privacy, Digital era, hacking, arbitrary interference, social media, right to be forgotten.